Governor Cuomo Identifies as an Immigrant… So He’s an Immigrant… Don’t Defy Him … These Types Can Get Violent – IOTW Report

Governor Cuomo Identifies as an Immigrant… So He’s an Immigrant… Don’t Defy Him … These Types Can Get Violent

Andrew sounds a little special in this clip, more so than usual. Is there a special serum that is wearing off, something that helps one emulate a functioning human?

(Oh, btw, Andrew was born in New York.)

19 Comments on Governor Cuomo Identifies as an Immigrant… So He’s an Immigrant… Don’t Defy Him … These Types Can Get Violent

  1. As an “immigrant”, Andy “Fredo” Cuomo is therefore not a natural born American. This makes him constitutionally unable to run for Presidential office. You can’t have it both ways, Fredo!

  2. Andrew was in one of my classes at Fordham the year of Marios failed mayoral campaign. He was an entitled idiot then. Every time I hear him speak on the radio, I immediately turn the channel. His cadence, his constant stating the obvious, or worse, hyperbolic lectures, make him even more irritating than Obama. (Never thought I would say that!) He is the perfect example of how far someone can go when they are well connected. Unfortunately, it’s too far.

  3. This is the new fad. Everyone wants to be an immigrant, libtards especially. Well I’m a real immigrant. Came here when I was 17, drafted when I turned 18. After 4 years of Army life (I re-uped after one year), I became an American citizen and lived happily ever after.
    That’s the way it used to be. Now, well now, things have changed.
    Now I’m a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, white privileged mutterfooker!

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