10 Comments on Greatest Golfer Ever Made Less in His Career Than a Caddie Made This Year
What about inflation adjustment? Still a ton of money for carrying around some clubs.
What about the cart girl?
It’s inflation. When President Nixon took the dollar off the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971, he unleashed the start of the inflation that is devouring our economy. The $5,800,000 that Jack Nicklaus won is worth roughly 1,000 times the $6,200,000 that Ted Scott earned in one year. A United States dollar is only worth 3 cents of what one was valued for when it was backed by the Gold Standard. A $550,000 mansion built in 1970 would cost $7,200,000 in today’s inflated currency. Jack Nicklaus invested his winnings very wisely, and he’s worth more than $500 million.
All those zero’s makes it so most average Americans either can’t afford or are unwilling to spend the money to see a professional sporting event in person.
Went to lots of Detroit Tigers games as youngster and remember the tickets in the outfield bleachers were less than $5.
Not that it really specifically relevant to the discussion, Jack Nicklaus had to pay the bills out of his money. He was a business and his product was his play. From his earnings he had to pay for the means of production.
Back in the ‘60’s, NBC paid Perry Como (I think it was) $1000000 each for a series of variety specials. Yeah, that was a lot of money. However, out of the $1000000, Como had to pay the guests, the crew, the studio time, etc.
RadioMatt, commas don’t’t bite…
That all tips?
When i was a caddie we would probably get a couple bucks a hot dog and a coke.
That’s why we resorted to hanging out in out of bounds areas that dotted the course.
some one wacks one Ob we run up and grab the ball.
sold them back later at the club house.
I bet Phil Mickelson wagered more than Jack made as well…
I, am, usually, accused, of, over, doing, it, with, the commas.
What about inflation adjustment? Still a ton of money for carrying around some clubs.
What about the cart girl?
It’s inflation. When President Nixon took the dollar off the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971, he unleashed the start of the inflation that is devouring our economy. The $5,800,000 that Jack Nicklaus won is worth roughly 1,000 times the $6,200,000 that Ted Scott earned in one year. A United States dollar is only worth 3 cents of what one was valued for when it was backed by the Gold Standard. A $550,000 mansion built in 1970 would cost $7,200,000 in today’s inflated currency. Jack Nicklaus invested his winnings very wisely, and he’s worth more than $500 million.
All those zero’s makes it so most average Americans either can’t afford or are unwilling to spend the money to see a professional sporting event in person.
Went to lots of Detroit Tigers games as youngster and remember the tickets in the outfield bleachers were less than $5.
Not that it really specifically relevant to the discussion, Jack Nicklaus had to pay the bills out of his money. He was a business and his product was his play. From his earnings he had to pay for the means of production.
Back in the ‘60’s, NBC paid Perry Como (I think it was) $1000000 each for a series of variety specials. Yeah, that was a lot of money. However, out of the $1000000, Como had to pay the guests, the crew, the studio time, etc.
RadioMatt, commas don’t’t bite…
That all tips?
When i was a caddie we would probably get a couple bucks a hot dog and a coke.
That’s why we resorted to hanging out in out of bounds areas that dotted the course.
some one wacks one Ob we run up and grab the ball.
sold them back later at the club house.
I bet Phil Mickelson wagered more than Jack made as well…
I, am, usually, accused, of, over, doing, it, with, the commas.