Gutfeld: Dems are screwing America, and they’re doing it in the dark – IOTW Report

Gutfeld: Dems are screwing America, and they’re doing it in the dark

(The Adam Schiff impersonator is cracking me up.)

12 Comments on Gutfeld: Dems are screwing America, and they’re doing it in the dark

  1. No discussion of Screwing America can be had without including the Bought & Paid for, Knee-Pad Media propaganda and the indoctrination by our Public School systems who all work hand-in-hand with democRATs to subvert and screw-over America! This is the big triangle that represents the biggest enemy that Americans have ever had to fight because they are in our midst. The Communists told us they would destroy us from within and this is how they are doing it!

  2. The Left is above the Law, no douby by now…even the Biden family crimes will result in Trump being impeached. Hillary has been moved down the line from any indictment and the sooner people realize that there is a group of people, in the millions, who are above the Law, the sooner we can calm down and take the misery they will deliver…Even the IT breach Democrat staffer who orchestrated a major computer theft of the Republican Senate just got off with Probation…Why is it so difficult for Conservatives to act upon what is a clear and present danger to their lives and freedom..?


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