Guy Claims James Bond Popularized Vocal Fry – IOTW Report

Guy Claims James Bond Popularized Vocal Fry

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19 Comments on Guy Claims James Bond Popularized Vocal Fry

  1. I knew a guy who, after every sentence…usually incomplete ones, would pause & then say; ..”and that”.
    Then there’s the people that use ummm & or ah, as a filler when speaking.
    Maybe the worst are those who never finish a sentence, but keep asking if you know what they mean.

  2. Howard ended every statement with “y’know, and stuff.”
    One of those guys who made you wonder how he found his way to work.
    Strong as an ox but worthless as tits on a boar hog.

    Oh … back on topic … I didn’t get the James Bond vocal fry at all (could be the tinnitus).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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