Guy waves gun around in a church – IOTW Report

Guy waves gun around in a church

27 Comments on Guy waves gun around in a church

  1. …gotta love that thuglife trigger discipline, or lack thereof…Commandmant #1 in the Firearm Bible: thou shalt NOT point a weapon at something thou doest not intend to kill…

  2. 10 years ago we attended a church in Ohio along with several hunters and the owner of a big gun shop. At least half the guys packed. If a shooter showed up they’d have been badly outgunned and wouldn’t make it back to the foyer.

    But this…I don’t know what they’re thinking.

  3. Possible it isn’t even real. (still not cool to point at people)

    Everyone was enjoying themselves – no fear. Like it’s been done many times before, for some reason.

    I think there’s a lot more going on than “Guy waves gun around in a church”.

    Would like a follow up interview with the congregation.

  4. …we conceal carry in MY church, too.

    …emphasis on “conceal”

    …we’re not there for an NRA meeting, we’re there to worship the Lord and uplift His name.

    …the guns are just a sad, secular necessity, as the lord HIMSELF said…

    “36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

    37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

    38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.”
    -Luke 22:36-38

  5. Hmmmm. so…..we start a church that is built around a gun range…

    This is confusing because obviously we’d make money, but Churches are non profit….

    Hellfire…. anybody know tax law? This is a super cool idea.

    Like midway through the sermon targets pop up that has the devils face on them…. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! ….amen.

  6. I couldn’t tell what the guy was singing. Maybe it was a Christian ‘fight’ song. Still not wise to be pointing it at people as he was swinging it up and down and around, which he did several times.

    Agree it seemed fine with everyone there, just doesn’t seem right, but not sure what was going on.

    My church also conceal carries within the security team. Like SNS says, CONCEAL is the operative word as it’s only for protection, if needed.

  7. Isaiah 54:17
    “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”

  8. Have a different take on the gun waving in that church. First of all that’s very irresponsible to wave a gun around – loaded or not, which leads me to a theory he was showing off. Possibility as a form of intimidation or shear arrogant stupidity.
    (BTW, I support strongly the 2nd Amendment.)

    Not seeing wisdom or respect for others demonstrated in that weird church. Kind of reminds me of one of those snake worshipping churches – off the mark, cultist craziness.

    God has a standard for how Christians should conduct ourselves so we don’t confuse the faithful and are not freaking out the ones needing to know God.
    This church seems to lack maturity and is a poor representation of integrity.

    I would not step foot in a church like that without being called by God to do so. Would possibly have to do battle, in the name of Jesus, with too many demons.

  9. On a side note, can we get any future videos of AOC that appear here to sport the ‘world star hip hop’ water mark?

    That’s the sign of top tier ghetto entertainment.

  10. Maybe there’s more to the story, but he has 0 gun control.
    Pulling that out in church could be the last thing you did.
    In the small church I go to many are armed but there are 3 trained stooters that are charged with protection. The rest of us hit the floor and shoot only if they are taken out. Yeah, we be ready.

  11. That buffoon swept the entire congregation three times with the muzzle of his revolver.

    It’s that kind of idiocy that gives the rest of us responsible gun owners a bad name.

  12. “This is confusing because obviously we’d make money, but Churches are non profit….”

    Just include a bake sale fund raiser every day and use the cakes as targets. Bingo!

    Tax law for churches – if you spell it prophet, it’s good to go.

    I heard that somewhere. Here, I think. In this post specifically. If you’re asking.

  13. Dadof4 and PJ, thanks guys. Mutual admiration, you both write excellent comments.

    BTW, shout out to BFH, for making IOTWr a comfortable place to fellowship and share our faith.

    @Toenex. LOL! I thought about that too.


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