Gym Owner Bans Police and Military Personnel – IOTW Report

Gym Owner Bans Police and Military Personnel

Huffing Poop-

An Atlanta gym owner who prohibits police officers and active military members from joining says he’s received death threats and a barrage of hate mail ― but his rule still stands.

Jim Chambers, who owns EAV Barbell Club in East Atlanta Village, ignited nationwide anger this week after word got out about his handwritten sign proclaiming: “no f***ing cops.”

“It’s not a new policy; this has been our policy since we opened, about a year and a half ago,” Chambers told HuffPost on Wednesday, saying he was fielding three to four angry phone calls per minute.

Chambers explained that his rule, which does not target veterans, is nothing personal and not an endorsement of violence. He and many of his members, who he said use his facility to hold activist meetings, are anti-military and pro “cop abolition,” he said. Some of them are also LGBTQ and of various racial backgrounds, and they don’t necessarily like the police.

“We are indicting systems. We are not indicting individuals,” he said.



Village Fitness is around the corner from EAV Barbell Club, but their policies couldn’t be more different. While EAV Barbell Club wants no cops on their premises, Village Fitness welcomes them.

To make their message even more clear, Village Fitness put out a sign on Wednesday — in front of the building for gym members and passersby to see.

It says “We Support Police and Our Military.”

ht/ tsunami

35 Comments on Gym Owner Bans Police and Military Personnel

  1. He wants some kind of “freedom of association”? Some right to not only choose who he serves on a whim, but even codify it and announce it in advance? The HORROR! If this is tolerated, who’ll be forced to bake queer wedding cakes? Who’ll force children to pee with trannies?

  2. When Is He Changing His Name To ROCKY, He’s Had the Surgery And The Botox is About to Shoot Out of His Lips. Cops do Tend to Dislike Botox Orgy’s so it’s Probably Just as Well !!!

  3. East Atlanta….that area was a hippie & dindu shithole thirty years ago, and it still is. If Chambers were selling TV’s and liquor, instead of flabby antifas, he’d be out of business by now. Hint to SwoleLefties: Leave the gym in a group to avoid attack. Or just leave the gym and don’t go back.

  4. The old hippie running out of room on the whiteboard is precious in a “St. God’s Memorial Hospital” way. The dumbest white people in Atlanta live in this place.

  5. I bet EVA Barbell Club is also a gun free zone. Once the urban predators figure out the cops are not going to be there they are ripe for the picking.

    That area is the Bouldercrest area south of I20 and NE of the federal pen. The only people who call it East Atlanta Village are the LGBTUVWXYZ groups

  6. I’ll be watching the news for the pile of flowers and teddy bears in the gym parking lot and the tearful, tattooed, candle-lit bulldyke widow calling for forgiveness because it’s what her wife would have wanted. Followed by a protest at city hall about bigoted police officers.

  7. Try:
    “No Niggers”
    “No Fags”
    “No Illegal Alien Invading Rat-People”
    “No Filthy Fukkn izlamic Ragheads”
    “No Spicks”
    “No Fukkin Irish”

    The boy’s got no balls. Picking on the Cops is socialist de riguer, and carries no consequences. He’s a fuckin pussy, and the Cops and our Armed Forces will STILL defend his rights – to the DEATH.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Interesting. I’ll bet if he banned blacks he’d be taken to court by the city (or state or feds) in a second and likely lose his business license. What if he banned gays? They cross over the racial map so you’re not singling out a race but rather a group much the same way as he’s singling out two groups (cops and military) that both cross racial lines within the group. I’d bet that the city would come after him even though he’s really not doing anything different between the two. The ACLU, which is conspicuously missing from this case would be there at the speed of light if the gays were banned.

    I know the cops indicated that if the owner had a problem the police would be there just like any other citizen but I can’t help but think they may be somewhat more tardy then expected. Just human nature.

  9. @Tim August 10, 2017 at 9:09 am

    Timmeh! You do realize that the reason he can NOT post any of those signs is BECAUSE “the Cops and our Armed Forces will STILL defend his rights – to the DEATH”? Right?

  10. Hey, all you criminal types! Here’s a great place to rob! Not only won’t there be any police or active duty military there when you rob the place (and all the customers), the cops might not respond very quickly if they do call 911.

  11. Not all of his weirdo customers and friends think his steroid induced “cop ban” is a good idea. Some of them may just have enough sense to know it’s not safe going to a gym now more likely to be a crime scene. He’s going to lose business fast and blame everybody except himself. This story is a good example why the left are masters at unintentional consequences.

  12. He was after his .37 seconds of fame. He got it. I never see anybody change clothes in a gym anymore. They arrive and leave in their work out clothes. Especially in a shit hole gym like that. So unless LEO or Military people offered up what they do as a career nobody would know.

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