Hallmark Movies Reinforce White Supremacy, Says Liberal Writer – IOTW Report

Hallmark Movies Reinforce White Supremacy, Says Liberal Writer

The assault on “whiteness” continues.

Wanna hear me say something awful?

“There is nothing wrong with being white.”

This is enough to send the left into anxiety attacks.

The Pluralist-

A number of opinion writers have been employing their keyboards this holiday season to tackle the “unwatchable whiteness” of hallmark movies.

“Watching a hallmark movie is like taking half a benzo in an Ikea showroom in the middle of Stockholm,” ​writes Toronto-based culture writer ​Soraya Roberts in an article for The Walrus titled “The Unwatchable Whiteness of Holiday Movies.” Her critique of the saccharine TV-movies, which have enjoyed ​a substantial growth in viewership since President Donald Trump took office, is that they represent a very narrow subset of American ​culture: Suburban, middle-class whites. Or as Roberts put it, “interchangeable, white-as-snow narratives.”

Roberts takes issue with the ​”feel-good” channel pandering to a particular — i.e., conservative — perspective on wholesomeness. “A sanctuary for religious conservatives,” she writes.


I wonder how she feels about the BET channel?

26 Comments on Hallmark Movies Reinforce White Supremacy, Says Liberal Writer

  1. 1984, went to Halloween party as ‘Stevie Wonder’. Bought and dyed a mop head and wore it as dreadlocks and dark sunglasses. Did not win the prize since 6 other white guys showed up as Mr T. Kinda of low point, yet the high point was encountering a black dude that was not wearing a costume at all and I asked him, so, you showed up being a ‘black dude’? He laughed hysterically, we shook hands and enjoyed an evening decades before PC when everyone else would be so easily offended.

  2. My issue with the last five years of hallmark movies is that each movie depicts ridiculously wealthy people who are having emotional trauma.
    Like, it’s kinda hard to take their whole ‘my life is so sad :(‘ schpeel serious when they’re doing it in designer clothing in a cozy little 4,700 sq ft cottage in Michigan.

    Especially when it’s EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. And worse, Lacey Chabert. > >

    Oh and let’s not forget the obnoxious trend of ‘festivals’ and ‘cooking bananzas’ that are in all of the recent ones. It’s cringe and it’s hurt a couple of otherwise decent ones.

  3. Don’t like it, turn it off. It’s just that simple!
    But noooooooooo… the totalitarian Progressives want to turn it off for everyone!

    Gee Wally, Have you see “The Unbearable Whiteness of Property Ownership?

    Yeah Beave, it’s on the South African channel right now!


    When you can abort your own baby and throw it in a garbage can…

    When you destroy functioning cities by bringing in brown people on welfare, then run for your life when they vote you out of office…

    When you ignore Islam for the sake of destroying America…

    –Yeah, bashing Hallmark movies is low hanging fruit.

  5. Mrs. Lazlo likes the Hallmark channel so I asked her about this.
    “If people think that a $%%$%^@# TV show is a ‘hallmark’ for how the real world works then they’re too stupid to breed”

  6. I don’t watch the Hallmark channel because most of their programs are incredibly cheesy, just like their greeting cards. I call the Hallmark channel the goody two shoes mostly non offensive programming, feel good hokey phony baloney network, it’s also the old farts channel and I’m surprised they don’t show more reruns of Lawrence Welk and by the way reruns of Matlock suck as well.

  7. Y’all, I got some books that could be turnt into real good holiday movies for black people. And I got some free time now. I might just whip up a special holiday romance book.

  8. No Blushes, in 1986, I lived in downtown Atlanta in an ancient house near Ga Tech. The house next door had a Halloween party, and a dozen denizens of the nearby Techwood Homes housing project crashed the party. Everything was cool until they set eyes on the white guy dressed as some Run DMC rapper, complete with blackface. A complete race riot ensued for the next ten minutes, ending only when one of my psycho roommates stormed in, brandishing a pump action BB gun and threatening to “blow motherf–kin’ heads off with this shotgun”.

    The interlopers were badly outnumbered, and the fight was moving out into 10th street anyway, so they took the opportunity to hightail it out of there. Thank God none of the black dudes–or anybody else–had a real gun that night. And it was surreal watching a Viking, a devil and a blackface rapper, duking it out with black guys from the projects, only to be rudely interrupted by a scrawny hick with a rockabilly pompadour and a BB gun. Good times.

  9. “… interchangeable, white-as-snow narratives.”

    Sorry … I fail to see the “supremacy” in this.

    Sounds more like resentment against “… interchangeable, white-as-snow narratives” than any declaration of “supremacy” by the makers of the “… interchangeable, white-as-snow narratives.”

    Thus, any “… interchangeable, black-as-shit narratives” are appeals to the racial supremacy of negroes? And “… interchangeable, yellow-as-piss narratives” are demands of mongoloid supremacy?

    Again, I fail to see the connection.

    The whole notion of “supremacy” may be in the mind of the befuddler … or race-baiter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. @Poor Lazlo December 27, 2018 at 8:18 am

    > “If people think that a $%%$%^@# TV show is a ‘hallmark’ for how the real world works then they’re too stupid to breed”

    You’d best have “the talk” with Mrs. Lazlo. It’s time.

  11. I prefer watching queers and inter-racial sex … like in the old days when I used to watch my Mom pleasuring all the black guys in the neighborhood while Uncle Frank took in the money.

    Uncle Frank had me … uhh … well … pleasure em, too …


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