Hamas Complains About Israel Rescuing Two Hostages – IOTW Report

Hamas Complains About Israel Rescuing Two Hostages


The Palestinian Hamas terrorist organization issued a statement Monday morning complaining about the overnight rescue of two Israeli hostages by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), claiming that the rescue had caused a “massacre” in the city of Rafah.

As Breitbart News reported, Israeli forces conducted a daring raid into Rafah, which is on the Egyptian border, despite having been warning just hours before by U.S. President Joe Biden not to attack Hamas in Rafah without a plan for protecting civilians. More

17 Comments on Hamas Complains About Israel Rescuing Two Hostages

  1. I heard they were pissed that IDF found hidden tunnels underneath the UN building there. The UN was harboring Hamas terrorists and participating in the war. Two lives were spared, so be happy about that.

  2. Hamas is a fanatical terrorist organization whose ultimate goal is to eliminate Israel entirely, and to eliminate all infidels which includes all Christians. They are taught from birth to hate all non-Muslims. Their obsession and brutality has no limits. The only thing they understand is force and violence. They are like aggressive animals focused on enforcing their will at all costs and will never stop their efforts toward that goal. The only solution is their elimination if they refuse to coexist with other cultures / beliefs. That is most likely impossible due to their primitive culture and fealty to their faith.

  3. Hamas whining is so delicious. One might say their just dessert. Israel “only” has to kill the perpatrators, their supporters, their enablers, their coconspirators like the U.N…..

  4. Crush your enemies – drive them before you – hear the lamentations of their women.

    The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian – been a straight-up fact for about 5000 years.

    Hateful, amoral disciples of Satan who have no reason to exist.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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