Hannity, Malkin Can’t Get An Answer From Illegal Immigration Activist – IOTW Report

Hannity, Malkin Can’t Get An Answer From Illegal Immigration Activist

DC: Fox News host Sean Hannity and conservative commentator Michelle Malkin ganged up on an immigration advocate Thursday night for refusing to answer Hannity’s question during their panel discussion about the consequences of illegal immigration.

Malkin was on “Hannity” along side Roberto Hernandez, an immigration activist, Thursday night.

“I understand that a lot of people want to come to America. I just want people to come legally so we have a chance to vet them. To make sure — we pay on average, according to a recent report, $70,000 per year per illegal immigrant, the American taxpayer,” Hannity began. “We have, Obama authorized $300 million to pay for free legal advice. We have two recent cases where innocent people, one in Oregon and one in Texas, were murdered by illegal immigrants. Why can’t we just do this all legally?”

It appears Hannity was referencing Martin Gallo-Gallardo, an illegal immigrant who was accused of killing his wife in Oregon earlier this month.

“First of all, when Obama campaigned to be president, he promised that he was going to do immigration reform the first year he was in office. Nancy Pelosi was the head of the — the Speaker of the House for Congress —,” Hernandez responded before being cut off by Hannity.

“I asked you a very simple question. You didn’t answer my question. What do you say to the families — What do you say to the families — there are two families in the last three weeks, that lost loved ones because of illegal immigration,” Hannity interjected. “Why can’t we as America have the right to vet people to make sure that they can take care of themselves when they’re here and that they don’t have any criminal ties or backgrounds. Is that fair?”  WATCH

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