HAPPY 248! – IOTW Report

HAPPY 248!

(Thank you.)

27 Comments on HAPPY 248!

  1. I always laugh when I hear someone mention “joining the Marine Corps”. The only people the “JOIN” the Marine Corps are NAVY CHAPLIN, DOCTORS, AND CORPSMEN! Where they go, we go!


  2. Almost 3 million American military deaths and MrLiberty makes such a disgusting comment?

    Either an ignorant leftist asshole or simply one who is ignorant of our great history.

    Yet here he is, I’m assuming, enjoying the life in the greatest country ever.


  3. Lost my beloved USMC Nam father in law this year. Artillery guy who went through the shit. Damn. Amazingly I was the last guy he wanted to call to say goodbye to. I don’t know why. This Veterans Day is particularly poignant for me.

  4. I heard something today that resonated and stuck with me. Forget’thanks for your service’.

    Thanks for your Sacrifice.

    Everyone who served sacrificed on behalf of our country.

  5. I’ve worked with about a dozen ex-Marines in my career, all good dudes, had their shit together, squared away both mentally and morally, and would welcome any of them as a beat partner, knowing they would be there if needed.

    Here is another proud institution, steeped in honor and accomplishments, poisoned, hamstrung, and dismantled [intentionally] by woke ideology. Warfighting is now subservient to gender worship, DEI, and white hatred. Their goal was to make us like any other third-world shithole, they are succeeding.

    Here’s my one Marine joke,”You know why they put Marines on Navy ships? So the sailors would have somebody to dance with.”

  6. One of my best friends is still active duty USMC. A great guy. He was a grunt and has been to all of the world’s garden spots, If you know what I mean.
    Nothing better than Daryl and I sitting by my fire ring drinking a little bourbon and conversation after dinner.

  7. my youngest grandson is a US Marine … he’s presently stationed in Okinawa, Japan (about half the island is Marine Corps bases!)

    … which goes against the family grain …. we can trace back to wars w/ the Natives before the Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, ‘Nam & Desert Storm …. he’s the first Marine (that I know of) … proud as hell of the kid.

    Semper Fi, Sgt. Ryan

  8. Seen the onslaught of commercials about nasty bad water at Camp LeJeune? Seems like they’re having a hard time finding people to join the suit. As my fellow Marine friend and I often remark to each other. THAT is exactly why we never drank the water.

  9. TEX

    Raiders were SEALS before Frogmen changed. 2 not super fit Gens failed the physical ( run 6 min mile, do 10 “Corps” chin ups, 50 “Corps” push ups….) (not saying the Gens were not fit; just not super fit as Raiders were) so they killed Raiders.

    A modified version was reborn about 70 years ago Force Recon, Have some personal experience here.

    I may have had a few drinks yesterday. Hey! I was born in a bar! Tun’s!

  10. Quantico was a great summer camp during college.

    No kidding I walked into the registrars office with my 0-100 haircut after that summer of 1983 and registered for my three credit hours for my fun. The lady said yes we give three credit hours for kids who go to camp.

    It was OCS. Even 40 years ago you could see the beginnings of the cluelessness/hostility in academia about/toward the military.

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