Harry Reid’s Lawsuit Against Exercise Band Maker A Real Stretch – IOTW Report

Harry Reid’s Lawsuit Against Exercise Band Maker A Real Stretch

The 79-year-old former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) lawsuit against Hygenic Corp, the makers of the TheraBand resistance band, has made it to court.  Reid is seeking $50,000 from the Ohio based company for the loss of sight in his right eye.

Hygenic contends that Reid was using the equipment improperly and put himself at greater risk by attempting to exercise with the elastic band in his marble and granite bathroom. Further undermining Reid’s case, is the fact that he threw out the band and therefore created doubt where it was a TheraBand product in the first place. More

16 Comments on Harry Reid’s Lawsuit Against Exercise Band Maker A Real Stretch

  1. Without the supposedly defective product, or even evidence he owned one of their products, it’s gonna be hard to prove it was at fault.

    But then, the juries usually decide based on which lawyer tells the best lies to them, lawyers being professional liars as such.

    But $50,000 isn’t much, legal fees to defend yourself will probably exceed that and it would likely be cheaper to just settle it and cut your losses.

  2. I agree with A.Moose…I still think his brother kicked the shit out of him.

    This ain’t the well of the Senate, you little worm. You lie out in the real world, and there are consequences.

  3. Former Senator Harry Reid is very proud of his boxing days back in High School and College. Evidently, his brother beat him to the sucker punch. Harry Reid’s injures sure didn’t look like anything other than a first class fist pounding. The Reids weren’t exactly a Band of Brothers celebrating Saint Crispin’s day at that family picnic.

  4. How in the world does he prove this? Also, Theraband is just a big rubber band, if they are found liable to Reid then everyone who owns one will sue them into oblivion. I think a little personal responsibility is in order.


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