Have you heard this one? An armed robber walks into a barber shop… – IOTW Report

Have you heard this one? An armed robber walks into a barber shop…


DC: The video shows the robber stroll into the shop toting a large pistol in his right hand. One barber sees the weapon and quickly scurries into the next room. The other three people in the shop cannot react as hastily and are forced to their knees.

The robber then approaches each individual one by one, forcing them to relinquish the contents of their pockets. The first man he accosts submits without contest. The second appears to object to the robber’s demands and is hit over the head with the pistol because of it.

After a brief confrontation, the second victim is forced to grab a backpack from the top of a shelf. As he is emptying the bag, the first victim attacks the robber from behind, wrestles the weapon away and wallops the attacker over the head with it.  WATCH

25 Comments on Have you heard this one? An armed robber walks into a barber shop…

  1. One should not draw a weapon on another without the full intent to USE it….. It seems as though he thought he had brought his hammer…

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. although this had a great feel-good ending worthy of any Disney movie that brought a tear to my eye….
    I gotta axe the question … when the perp entered the back of the store, why didn’t the 2 patrons & the barber just book out? … they had the time

  3. “Once the robber is unarmed and dizzied from the two devastating blows, the two shop workers viciously kick the man until he appears to go unconscious.”
    “VICIOUSLY?!?!” “VICIOUSLY?!?!?”
    They were insuring the savage thug would think twice about doing this again.
    Personally, I was rooting for them to kill him, which is what he really deserved.

  4. @MJA did you head about the case in California Muslim kill and injured people in the barber shop. And the othe with a car in California one yesterday the other day before yesterday this stuff are covered up. In the media,

  5. Instead of butt stroking him he should have put a round into him.

    We had a customer, J&L Leather in Federal way, had a guy come through the door with a drawn Bryco 380, had foam ear plugs in, and a cop was sitting in the shop. Cop’s gun jams after one shot (Glock, probably limp wristed it), proprietor draws and put two 10mm rounds out of his Delta Elite two inches apart, through the heart, and then through the front door and the windshield of a car parked in front of the shop.

    Proprietor was active steel shooter, and not a bad one at that

    This was circa 1990

  6. Bob M

    I think it was printed in a few mags. I ran Sportco’s retail gun counter and the guy doing the shooting was one of Roger Boyd’s wholesale customers. It was pretty weird

    J&L sold guns and the cop came in daily and had coffee. I have articles on it somewhere.

  7. Just curious…. do we hear the same narrative in other countries about thugs? He was the first in his family to be accepted to community college, he was going to study communications, he did his grannies grocery shopping and returned her library books every week….

  8. I have three ad blockers, turned off here, but I can’t take time to ****, (“mess”, what were you thinking?), with them for every site that disables my visit instead of asking. I only innocently followed a link… Guess they don’t want me to ever come back.

  9. JDHasty, Mas Ayoob wrote several years ago about a similar situation where the perp walks past a police car in the parking lot into a gun store and tries to rob it. However, “return fire” wasn’t quite that coordinated.

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