HBO selectively edits gun sports interview – IOTW Report

HBO selectively edits gun sports interview

Jim Sullivan just emailed me with his response to the HBO interview …


[Firearm Blog]: [As] predicted the anti-gun HBO Sports interview misrepresented much of what I had said. They were apparently trying to make the AR15 civilian model seem too dangerous for civilian sales. They didn’t lie about what I said, they just omitted key parts which changed the meaning. The examples I most object to are:

1. When I appear to say that the civilian model AR15 is just as effective or deadly as the military M16 they omitted that I had said “when firing semi auto only and that the select fire M16 on full auto is of course more effective”

2. The interviewer pretended not to understand the relevance that due to the Hague Convention military bullets cannot be expanding hollow points like hunting bullets that give up all of their energy in the target body instead of passing through with minimum wound effect with most of the energy still in the bullet and wasted.    MORE

8 Comments on HBO selectively edits gun sports interview

  1. With all respect to Mr. Sullivan how could he have thought that any appearance on an HBO show would turn out to be anything but hostile toward conservatives and gun control. I would even think that regardless on how trained you are the actual interview will end up taking place in the film editors room where it will be pieced together to both subtly and grossly misrepresent the targets position. In any event kudos to Mr. Sullivan for trying to correct the distortions that HBO deliberately fed into this piece of progressives propaganda.

  2. They lie about everything. Why waste time appearing on their programs when the outcome is already known? If they ask for an interview tell them to pound sand.

  3. Funny, they don’t hesitate showing gun violence in the majority of their programming. Seems if they were true to the hatred of guns they wouldn’t sensationalize them.

  4. The biggest problem with participating in these interviews/interrogations is the people watching the end result have never read or paid attention to the debunking of the interviews.

  5. When an enemy invites you for an interview, it is NEVER to gain an understanding of your point of view. It is to invite the hapless to disguise, besmirch, and pervert HIS point of view to reflect THEIR point of view. But honorable people assume that ALL people are honorable, and there’s the rub.

    izlamo delenda est …

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