Heavy Downpour Cuts Clinton’s Only Saturday Event Short – IOTW Report

Heavy Downpour Cuts Clinton’s Only Saturday Event Short

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton’s only scheduled rally Saturday in Florida was cut short by heavy rain.

Clinton’s speech only lasted about seven minutes, and she yelled hoarsely as rain poured. Donald Trump is criss-crossing the nation Saturday and holding four events in battleground states.

There’s video.

19 Comments on Heavy Downpour Cuts Clinton’s Only Saturday Event Short

  1. In her case holy water is required and then she bursts into flames.

    Hey, Secret Service, I have to ask. You would really take a bullet for the Hildabeast? It’s kind of like shielding Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim, and other tyrants and despots. Your professional obligation evaporates when your charge is evil incarnate.

  2. What the fuck? That lady survived sniper fire in Bosnia, and shared a nearly shot down Helicopter with Brian Williams, you think a few raindrops are going to scare her?
    “Raindrops fallin’ on my head.” Oh shit I just spilled a brand new Dewars and soda. Danm!

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