Helium Filled Edible Balloon – IOTW Report

Helium Filled Edible Balloon

edible helium balloon

OC: Popping and sucking a candy balloon is probably a sight you’d expect to see at a kid’s party, but it’s what all the adults are doing at this Michelin three-star restaurant in Chicago. They come dressed in their finest for an evening of elegant dining, but once they arrive at ‘Alinea’, patrons are encouraged to embrace their inner child with their latest dessert offering – the Edible Helium Balloon.

The dish, created by head chef and Aliena co-owner Grant Achatz, is now being touted as one of the coolest desserts ever produced in the US. Achatz recently released a video on how the balloon is made – the process starts off with making a green apple taffy base, which is then blown up using a tube connected to a helium tank. The result is a transparent balloon that is tied with a ‘string’ made of dehydrated granny smith apple. The entire confection is then sprinkled with a dusting of green sugar. Video

11 Comments on Helium Filled Edible Balloon

  1. I’m going to guess that Alinea’s is one of those Chicago restaurants that give FAAABulous presentations of cute little two bit entrees and on the way home one has to stop at WC, a greasy spoon for late night breakfast, or Mickey D’s because of hunger pangs.

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