Here we go – the 2nd wave of attack on the “Asian Foods Are Racist” front – IOTW Report

Here we go – the 2nd wave of attack on the “Asian Foods Are Racist” front

Remember when the crazy lady said Szechuan Sauce packets at McDonald’s was racist?

The NY Times has picked up the ball and is now running with it. A writer named Bonnie Tsui sees racism at any restaurant that offers “asian” fare. (Bonnie Tsui? Is that pronounced Bonnie Sue? I am offended by the cultural appropriation of a common southern name.)

Why Is Asian Salad Still on the Menu?, she asks.

Free Beacon-

“The persistence of these names—let’s at least call them ‘questionable’—on the American restaurant menu underscores how non-Asian-Americans have been making up their own version of Asianness for a long time now.”

In many ways, the broad, generic terminology used to refer to an entire continent is the heart of it. Applebee’s menu features an “Oriental chicken salad” with the following description: “fresh Asian greens tossed in a tasty Oriental vinaigrette.” The “Asian greens” and “Oriental vinaigrette” are so laughably vague as to have no meaning at all.

“I’m Swiss-American and find the notion that all Swiss cheese has holes in it to be such a personal insult to my ethnic identity that I’m considering a class-action lawsuit against the FDA,” jokes a reader named Expatico, who adds, “Racist salad! This is why Trump won.”


A case could be made that the Newman’s Own label is a little stereotypical and racist. But Newman was a lefty, so Bonnie Tsui goes after other targets.

Does Bonnie Tsui maraud the Asian culture abroad, pointing out the examples of where America is represented by distilling its essence into a cheap trinket?

I don’t want her to, because, I’m not aggrieved or offended, because, I’m not insane.

I once met a guy from South Korea who spoke no English. He was the husband of a client I had overseas. You could tell he desperately wanted to connect with me on some level, something, anything, in order to participate.

At one point his saddened posture perked up and he pointed at me and said/asked, “King Climson? King Climson?”

He was saying King Crimson, the one English speaking band he could remember. (They were British. But we all sound alike.)

If I was insane I could task my brain into finding some sort of intellectualized grievance. I actually thought it was charming, the effort he put in trying to connect with me.

I’d feel the same way if a restaurant in Thailand put forth the effort to include something American on their menu, even if it wasn’t exactly authentic.

If I sneezed in China and someone looked at me and mangled the phrase “God bless you,” not getting it authentically correct, I would be pleased nonetheless.

The grievance industry is, thankfully, in its death throes. Most people have no more eye roll energy left for these morons.



19 Comments on Here we go – the 2nd wave of attack on the “Asian Foods Are Racist” front

  1. China is targeted within the next 5-7 yrs to be the largest Christian country on Earth. They will be appropriating Anglo-Saxon religious practices to a level higher than actual Anglos. How ever will we square thus hole of culture thievery? 😔

  2. Define Asian as a culture. It cant be done. How many races live on that continent? How many differing cultures? Food, clothing, language? No one group can lay claim. No individual can speak for the whole of it.

  3. My sister in law lives in Singapore, would you believe they
    have a Popeye’s there? They didn’t know until they had the
    chicken here in Guam and went to look for it at home. LOL.
    Newman’s Own = not ONE GODDAMN product that I could stand.
    Every asian culture is different and then there are sub
    cultures within that. I think that the only thing that pisses
    them off are when you assume they are a different culture and
    try to speak the wrong language to them without asking. That’s

  4. What’s that in your medicine cabinet Bonnie Tsui? Antibiotics?!!!…. Cultural appropriator!!!… Give them back!!!… No antibiotics for you, bitch!!!… That’s “ours”!!!

    These marxist cunts have to start getting the serious beatdown. They want all white people dead or enslaved by this non-stop mind-fucking. I shit you not.

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