Hickenlooper Ducked Responsibility Regarding Police Beating, Says Victim’s Father – IOTW Report

Hickenlooper Ducked Responsibility Regarding Police Beating, Says Victim’s Father

WFB: The father of a victim in a police brutality case from Denver 10 years ago is again calling out John Hickenlooper, alleging that while mayor, Hickenlooper dodged requests for meetings from the family and provided no leadership on the matter, but briefly used it toward his own political ends during his first run for governor in 2010.

Hickenlooper, a former two-term mayor of Denver and governor of Colorado, is currently running for the Democratic nomination for president.

The caught-on-camera moment is one of several instances in which critics and the media questioned Hickenlooper’s oversight of the largest police department in the state while he was mayor, criticisms which then rolled over into his handling of numerous criminal justice issues during his eight years as governor.

Michael DeHerrera’s beating at the hands of Denver Police in April of 2009 was caught on a city surveillance cam, creating instant controversy and making national news when the video eventually became public about a year later.

The incident was once again in the news just last week when, on the 10th anniversary of the incident, an appeals court ruled the two police officers involved could get their jobs back.

“Once we saw the video [in 2010], we had the video and everything, we were trying to get this in everybody’s mouths I guess you could say, and trying to get help on trying to get these cops prosecuted and fired,” Michael’s father, Anthony DeHerrera, told the Washington Free Beacon by phone last week after the ruling.

“We tried several times to meet with Mayor John Hickenlooper—he was mayor at the time. Every time we walked in the county building there in Denver where his office is, he walked out the back door.”  more here

80 Comments on Hickenlooper Ducked Responsibility Regarding Police Beating, Says Victim’s Father

  1. Haha, front and center would be my first choice. Grifters gotta grift. Loco, how much would you pay to be there to see the Military Police come up on stage and cuff them. I’m thinking a front and center seat for that would get top dollar.


  2. Brad, I would endorse that in a second, but BFH is a great guy. I would hate to put his site in turmoil. What we need (as we all know) is for the anonymouses to accept the responsibility of being an adult, man up, and be somebody.

  3. Bad_Brad. Yeah, about that.
    The anonymous people here are Pro Trump. I recall you saying something about a ‘big tent’ a few weeks ago where we weren’t supposed to kick out or be mean to any of them because we need the votes.

    This is BFH’s blog.
    There has been an ‘anonymous’ or 2 here since the beginning.
    Don’t like it? Go do better. Not that hard to figure that out either, huh?

    But I’ll email him and tell him to come to this thread so you can say to his face what he needs to “nip in the bud”.

  4. It’s probably tough to police. I’m not an internet wizard but I bet it’s complicated to define guidelines for commenting without restricting legitimate comments. Without knowing anything (and I dont) my first thought would be to restrict multiple comments from the same name, but from a different IP address. How complicated is that? I have no idea.

  5. As for the anon posters.
    I get it but I don’t get it?
    If you post an intelligent, clever, observant, sentient thought, why not get the acknowledgment from it relative to the anon poster that posts the obvious, rudimentary comment?
    You can have a screen name AND BE INDIVIDUALLY ANONYMOUS!
    Join the group!
    We have identities here.
    Add an avatar and have some fucking fun!
    This site is a treasure.
    It is effectively free gold.
    I myself have been banned, edited, and deleted on other sites.
    This is a first amendment site that the founders would embrace and congregate.
    Enjoy it while you can, 🙂

  6. MJA

    “The anonymous people here are Pro Trump.”
    You need to stop smoking that wacky tobacy. Actually that’s not fair. Anoms here are for one purpose. Feeding their own ego. Doubt me? I’ll illustrate it for you in spades in the next couple weeks. Wait, how many times have good conservatives here been attacked by some Anon. You exist in a completely different world than I.

  7. MJH,
    Like this thought a lot. To be true, I’ve spoofed in spots just for hopefully smiles. Never as a hater. ‘Anaon’s’ intent here. People not paying attention to themselves and skip a step; “Namee”, I’ve found to be named “Anonymous”,,, what should be made to be an enforced step defaults (hints) ,
    Yet have found “Anonymous”‘s knowing that would be proper to man-up and not hide like a child.
    Sincere Regards and best to all,,
    Yet Brad always pissing on about Anonymous tells you to Fuck off.

    Me thinks Brad’s getting shit on without his understanding about this spoof thing, Nods to original foxhole buddy,,,
    explains a lot.
    Just a comment,

  8. MJA,
    I know for a fact that if a username here is not entered,
    It defaults to ‘Anonymous’ and allows the comment..
    Always wondered why my so ‘witty’ comments were thumbed up to ‘Anonymous’ and thought I was ignored..

  9. That last comment was not me. A chicken shit piece of shit I’d like to meet. This is whats wrong with this place, Pretty sure I know who typed it. Fucking loser No Blushes.

  10. No Blushes
    Pretty easy for BFH to identify the IP. Or are you so hammered you didn’t consider that. Don’t ever copy my shit again or Ill track your dumb ass down.

  11. Bad_Brad, for damn sure I saw YOU attack an anonymous here on the site simply because they used the name Anonymous. That’s is lame. Are you that sensitive? I’m not talking about trolls, I’m talking about pro Trump. You seem to be ignoring that part. You just see “anonymous” and get triggered. Calling people pussies. WTF is wrong with you?

    I also have seen you misunderstand what people are saying and you attack them. It’s funny, because they explain it to you, and you still don’t get it!
    You have also been trashing the people that have been commenting here from the beginning of this blog. You are thick headed and so ignorant like that.

    I can see who is commenting, and I know for sure this one’s you:

    “Bad_Brad APRIL 11, 2019 AT 1:59 AM
    “Bad_Brad. Yeah, about that.”
    Man you got some weak shit going on. Fuck off.

    Childish. Just childish.

  12. One thing Mr. Hat will not put up with is someone posting a comment under someones name that is not your own,fastest I ever saw someone banned,one of only three that I know that have been kicked off of iOTW.
    Beware of being a fraud here.

  13. Shut the fuck up, Brad. You’re like one of those annoying assholes always claiming to move to Canada if you don’t get you’re way. But here you still the fuck are. If you’re gonna leave, than do it like a fucking man. Christ you’re tiresome.

  14. MJA

    Wow, that whole novel is bullshit. I think you just exposed your self as a stereotypical Libtard. Why would you comment on this particular blog as an anom? I think I can get about 78% of the readers here to agree with me. Nothing more satisfying than arguing with 48 fags named anom. Takes the wind right out of the sails of a regular reader here with a GOD DAMN LEGIT ID. I knew you would come to there defense. You’re a closet Libard. Spotted it long ago. I’ll do my best to expose you here. If you wanted an enemy, you have one.

  15. Look. I don’t want any spoofing. I said that already.
    But know this: nobody here can tell me HONESTLY that we don’t have an anonymous or two who regularly comments here who are NOT TROLLS. Bad Brad wouldn’t understand that because he’s triggered by the word Anonymous for some reason. lol. And he is also not here 14 or 15 hours a fucking day looking at the threads. Anonymous isn’t just one person who comments here all the time. Anonymous can also be a person who stopped in from another site. FB, Twitter, Whatfinger, an email link and then they’re gone in minutes. Yeah, we get trolls here and there, but they come and go. Mostly go. But, again, not every anonymous is a nefarious POS.

  16. MJA

    That’s pretty God Damn Funny. Do you really think I’m easily triggered? Two days ago there were a whole heard of Anoms joking about who was who on the Anom parade. I’ll dig it up for you if need be. Here’s a Patriotic idea for you.If you want to argue with the rest of us here, get a God Damn recognizable ID. I have one, you have one, but yet you treat them like Mex illegal immigrants. WTF?

  17. I can’t recall how many endless countdowns of sanity I’ve witnessed here, but Badly Bradley is only the latest in a long sad list.

    Brad, get help.

  18. Brad, I have SEEN you triggered by the name anonymous. You called them an asshole months ago and they remember it and are fucking with you. See? This is the dense thing I told you about. They aren’t trolls, they just DON’T LIKE YOU. And they’ll never be anything but anonymous around you because they know it drives you insane!

  19. I don’t consider most anon posters as nefarious.
    I consider them fucking lazy, so-called provocateurs.

    It takes absolutely NO ENERGY to create an alias.
    Independent of this ridiculous conversation, I cannot fathom taking the time to comment as anonymous.
    For fucks sake, you are baaahing in a chorus of sheep.
    Choose a name you lazy fucks!
    It only maddens me because I may agree with you 100%, yet I refuse to acknowledge someone hiding behind a dual mask of benign identity and pseudonymous obscurity.

  20. “For the record, Bad_Brad just threatened me and others.”

    Very concerning. You sure as hell are no Candice O. You are disingenuous and a fraud. I would never threaten a woman. You are not a conservative, or on my side. To be fair, who is attacking whom here? This should be fun. I have the way back machine fire up.

  21. Funny, badley bradley has never had an avatar; only uses his badley bradley name.

    Heading to the gym like some lying asshole at 6am. Yeah, sure buddy. Mr Fucking Not-anonymous.

  22. Just seeing this thread now.
    It’s not a good one. It’s distressing on many levels.

    iOTW is one of the few remaining blogs that has resisted the monetary benefits of using Facebook comments or Disqus to handle their comment section so that our readers can enjoy what thy’ve enjoyed from day 1 — anonymity and the freedom from a registry that requires sign up.

    You have the option to use Gravatar so that your comments cannot be spoofed.

    Spoofing (using another commenter’s screen name)is the biggest no-no one can commit. A reader did just that in this thread and is now banned.

    Another thing a commenter can do to put themselves on thin ice is to disparage what we consider to be a huge asset at iOTW, the fact that you do not need to register to comment. With this system you are going to get people from time to time to post as anonymous. It is the tiniest price to pay to keep you from having to register with Disqus or Facebook-style commenting.

    It seems that this price is still too much to pay for a few readers, one in particular.

    Well, that puts me in a dilemma, doesn’t it? I don’t like dilemmas. I don’t have time for dilemmas.

    There was a threat made toward MJA that they were going to make it their mission to target her, harass her and “expose her as a libtard.”

    I can say with complete confidence that MJA is not only a conservative, but she left California and never turned back because the state gives her such a libtard vibe, which is a proactive move that the threatener has failed to make.

    I don’t say this as a slam at the commenter, I bring it up to show how absurd the claim that MJA is a libtard is. MJA was a commenter on he site for 4 years before she was a contributor. That’s some impressive dedication to the evil plan of fooling me into hiring a libtard to contribute on a conservative site.

    The threat of disrupting the site, especially one that is based on a ridiculous premise, has forced me to correct it.

    That’s a shame.

  23. I find them amusing too, Jimmy,
    until someone steps over the line of mere words and states that they are going to
    “do my best to expose you here. If you wanted an enemy, you have one.”

    No. A reader is not going to announce that they are officially an enemy of a contributor.

    Now you’re friggin with my daily operations. That makes you my enemy.

    I thought that would be a no-brainer to figure out.

  24. I am getting caught up with iOTWr from last night and to say I’m disappointed with this thread is mild. We have had this infighting before, but this one seems overly vicious. Fur et. al. created this website to fight what they saw as a threat to our country – the election of Obama. We have stayed true to the original desire to fight the left and their anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-Constitutional goals. Along with this fight, we have plenty of humor, soul-searching discussions and heartwarming human-interest posts. Among the patriots here, we have differing opinions of style and preferences; but most of us agree with our main goal of destroying the left’s attempt to divide us and make us irrelevant so they can conquer and control us.

    Here is where our in-fighting needs to stop. When we are divided, either by substance or personality issues, the left wins. It isn’t so much that we are a club with a limited number of members, but we have visitors who see what we are and will continue to read or leave in disgust. With ego-driven slurs flung carelessly at each other, we will have visitors and even long-time reader leave in disgust. That is unconscionable. Get ahold of yourselves and learn to get along even when someone disagrees with you. Discussion WILL result is some disagreements, but if you can’t handle someone disagreeing with you, then log off and come back later.

    One more thing. Do you realize just what you have done to Fur? He works harder on this website than most people do at anything in their lives. He wants this site to remain free for all to read and comment. You are breaking his heart. Shame on you.

  25. Yo. Lickenpooper.

    Were they licken pooper in the porn movie you took your mommy to?

    Because if they weren’t, I don’t trust you with the nuclear codes. 🖕💩🖕

  26. Sad…

    Usually by the time I might actually want to throw a comment the thread is past viewing, but since the last comment is less than an hour old, why not.


    Why sign up for the abuse as exampled on this one if you’re already an established alias?

    Why did I stop coming here at all and then return to lurk?

    Mr.Big can certainly attest to my whining like a third grade girl (probably late last fall) when I noted the loss of civility and increase in vitriol that In my opinion I detected at the time.

    You can pick on the peasants within the IOTW “community,” but going after Mary Jane is a BIG mistake. She carries the majority of the water that Mr. Big could never do by himself.

    This one is the validation of why I added “The Lurker” to the alias and really I wonder how many other are either occasionally switching to anonymous or not bothering to reply over the last six months…

  27. If someone says something you don’t agree with or don’t like, there isn’t a requirement to respond. You have an option of ignoring and moving on. If you choose to duke it out with someone you shouldn’t complain when things go to hell. Speaking for myself, I like seeing things get out of hand. Keeps things interesting.

  28. work on your fallopians? lol lol lol

    Gonna steal that for an asshole I know. He spends lotsa time at the gym and he looks strong, but can’t seem to lift shit at work. Useless.

  29. Why do I feel like some of the “regulars” have become quite “irregular”! Did a comet do a fly by and infect some of y’all with terminal stupidity? Fur, I think you should verify the ISP of some of these people to make sure they are who the claim to be…


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