High School Counselor Can’t Wait To “Execute White Men” After Black Panthers “Give the OK” – IOTW Report

High School Counselor Can’t Wait To “Execute White Men” After Black Panthers “Give the OK”

So, let me guess. Black people still are incapable of racism?

Millions of white lefty morons nod in agreement.


A Connecticut high school employee is accused of threatening to “execute” white men and stomping on an American flag in a classroom.

A police report says Harding High School in-school suspension counselor Carl Lemon was arrested Wednesday and charged with threatening and breach of peace.

The document says a teacher reported that Lemon said he “couldn’t wait for the Panthers to give the OK and a revolution begins” because he would “execute every white man he gets his hands on.”

Sixty-three year-old Lemon is black.

The police report says Lemon also stepped on a flag and told students: “This is what I think about it.”


ht/ marezilla

36 Comments on High School Counselor Can’t Wait To “Execute White Men” After Black Panthers “Give the OK”

  1. One thing I admire about asshole black and Latino craptivist types is that they’ve at least trained the fellow members of their identity groups to never tolerate open race hatred directed towards them by others. They’ve been so effective at it that they actually have to commit hoax crimes to convince others that overt racism directed at their groups is a common thing, when it’s not.

    Meanwhile, the prog assholes who run the schools and universities have brainwashed entire generations of white people to nod their heads in mindless agreement when some asshole says that white people are the worst people on Earth and cause all the problems. I’ve literally lost old friends because I had to stop them in mid-rant and remind them that I’m white, they’re white, and sitting around spewing anti-white hatred is really fucking moronic and weak. The usual prog cunt is so fucked in the head that they’ll get enraged at any white person who doesn’t hate white people for being white.

    My opinion of people who’ve allowed themselves to be brainwashed to that degree is that maybe they should find the nearest tall building and jump off it, that or be thrown off. Either will do.

  2. Well lets hope he starts with the guy that’s got a carry permit. But living in Connecticut he looks to have a target rich environment. The good news is all his victims will be libtards. I just talked myself into supporting his efforts.

  3. Police remover a large black handled kitchen knife but my AR is the problem? Was he a Home-Ecc teacher?

    Welcome to my state folks. Bridgeport is one of our several sanctuary cities run by Dem/Progs, as are a lot of others. It’s not a place you want to get out of your car and walk around.

  4. Notice how these libidiots never leave the country they say they hate?
    They need some heavy meds and then be put on a plane and taken someplace like Venezuela.

  5. If I were the PC, I wouldn’t phuck around with this asshole.
    I’d get a warrant and search his house, ransack it if necessary. Confiscate all weapons. I’m sure he has some. The DA should try
    to get him into PSYCHIATRIC hospital for evaluation. But get him off the streets immediately. Threats like this should never be taken lightly. But then we’re dealing with Connecticut.

  6. But everyone needs to fully understand that statement:

    They will give the okay at some point in time – he just told us so.

    Don’t take this as an off-handed flippant comment from a crackpot.

    Take it for what it is – a soon to be made declaration of war.

  7. The day the Black Panthers say it’s ok to kill white people is also the day it becomes ok to kill black people. Bet that never crossed his crack addled mind.

  8. This is the result of 8 years of Obama. How many White people voted for this monster twice? Maybe this H.S. counselor can start with those Whites. I wouldn’t get very upset. Not all Blacks are like this racist, and we need to remember that there are good Blacks who hate Black racists as much as any of us.

  9. Leftists don’t want to actually change anything, no matter what they say. They really only want to cause death and destruction. The majority of them are deranged lunatics.


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