Hillary Being Presidential Insults Millions of Americans – Calls Us Deplorable, Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Sexist or Islamophobic – IOTW Report

Hillary Being Presidential Insults Millions of Americans – Calls Us Deplorable, Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Sexist or Islamophobic

Thanks Hill. You will now see another drop in your polls.

‘A basket of deplorables’: Hillary comes under-fire for insulting millions of Americans as she writes off Trump supporters as ‘racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist or Islamophobic’ outcasts

  • Hillary Clinton made comments during a fundraiser on Friday in New York
  • She said that half of his supporters were ‘deplorables’ and did not represent America
  • She said the other basket of his supporters constituted individuals desperate for change who felt let down by the government
  • Her comments drew a rebuke from Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway who tweeted that she had insulted millions of Americans
  • Barbra Streisand also performed ‘Send in the Clowns’ at the fundraiser that parodied Trump, referring to him as a ‘sad, vulgar clown’


Aside from us deplorables, she also implied that millions of other Trump supporters are people disillusioned with the failures of the Obama administration.

This was quite a speech. Vey uplifting, positive and… suicidal.

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38 Comments on Hillary Being Presidential Insults Millions of Americans – Calls Us Deplorable, Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Sexist or Islamophobic

  1. “…To implement the new strategy, Hillary Clinton completely reorganized her campaign staff. William Fischer, formerly Director of Episcopalian Outreach, will now oversee Hillary’s entire “soft side.” Fischer will supervise the campaign’s Spontaneity, Empathy, Jocularity, Sincerity and Personality activities.”–NYT, Sept. 7th, 2016

    great start, bitch hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


  2. “……individuals desperate for a change who feel let down by the government.”

    Well, YEAH. I have never felt this disenfranchised in my life. If you’re a minority, here illegally, an LGBTer, have no marketable skills, or are totally broke-assed, don’t worry, Uncle Sam has your back.

    I am a straight, white, middle-class professional born in Newark, New Jersey. The vibe I am getting from D.C. is, Fuck you, just shut up, wallow in your white privilege guilt, and pay your taxes. You VILL obey!

  3. Man, that old adage; “It takes one, to know one”‘ is applicable. Except there are a plethora of extremely loathsome and derogative adjectives to add to the character of Hillary, all based upon experience.

    I hope she so willingly keeps displaying so clearly what a throughly despicable person she is, because Trump’s numbers keep growing and soon she will have to PAY audiences to feign listening to her malicious prattle.

  4. Uh oh.

    I can’t tell if the article at thirdtwin’s link is real or satire.

    I’m taking that as a bad sign for Hillary.

    BTW, I’d rather be “deplorable” than “desperate,” which is what Hillary has become. And if she thinks I’m “sexist” for not wanting to have a corrupt, lying, incompetent, half-dead person as my commander-in-chief, then she can kiss my fat, deplorable ass.

    That is, if she can still bend over.

  5. I know MSNBC is watched by only a handful of morons, but I wanted to see what they are up to. Last night they had a long discussion between three guests, 2 women of colors and a token black man, about Trump supporters:
    KKK supporters, white people, mostly men
    Birthers, white men
    Conspiracy nuts white people
    not college educated white people, mostly men
    uneducated white people, mostly men
    white blue collar workers, mostly men
    unemployed white people, mostly men
    racist white people, mostly men
    Tea Party red neck white people, mostly men
    Evangelicals – loony-toon Christians, white people, mostly men

    yes, yes, yes, they were saying mentally/socially defective “white people, mostly white men”

  6. “Those [deplorables]are people we have to understand and empathize with, as well.”–HRC


    “…Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.”–HRC

    You keep using that word, “empathize”. I do not think.you know what it means.

  7. At his speech in Cleveland Thursday, Trump said something that I’ve been so hoping he would say: “All Hillary wants is your vote and she’ll come here and say, ‘Thanks for your vote, see you in four years. And then she’ll add, ‘suckers’. Yeah, she’ll say, ‘See you in four years, suckers.”

  8. “Basket of deplorables” ?? In the first place, it’s such an awkward description. Anyone else see the progression, here? First Bill sniffs arrogantly about “Coal People” and now this. Honestly, God raises up those he wants and pulls down those he wants. That’s all there is to it.

  9. Yep, Illustrator, right there next to Romney’s bottle of 47% Solution.

    She forgot the golden rule of presidential politics: Thou shalt not speak ill of the electorate. Especially when you’re trying to get the undecided voters. Cialdini must be doing a facepalm right now. No way he approved that message.

  10. In 3-2-1.. Soros calls in the goon hit squad. I bet he calls her Thighness everything but an “old white troll”. She is descending into Purgatory, only the angels of Lucifer are shoving her away. She is “TOXIC”. Reminds one of a cobra in its dying moments, trying to decide whether to bite its own tail, or another innocent victim. Cross-eyed old skank! ROT IN HELL, RODHAM.

  11. Maybe the brain-damaged old Bitch doesn’t really want to be POTUS…maybe she wants to take all that lovely campaign fundraiser money and run with it.

    ‘Cause she’s certainly digging herself a huge hole.

  12. Being referred to as deplorable, which means shockingly bad in quality, proves Hillary is nothing more than an oligarch. I’m a decorated veteran of the US Army, Bronze Star for Valor, two Meritorious Service Metals, five Army Commendation Metals, seven Army Achievement Metals. Madame Secretary, you have just shit in a place she can’t reach to clean!

    * I’m proud to be in the basket with Trump! *

  13. That rabid old ‘pander’ bear is SO desperate now, she’ll probably start coming out at her rallies in a full burka, wearing a sombrero, a Chinese flag as her cape, and shaking two bottles of hot sauce like maracas, hoping to increase her support among minorities to make up for all the “deplorables” she just spit in the faces of. Yup, I’m probably going to be labeled the xenophobe in our basket of “deplorables”.

  14. I try to refrain from being too vulger, but some treasonous, brain damaged old cunt whose breath likely reeks of rotten muslim pussy calling me and others like me names is too much. She and her supporters can fuck off and die.

  15. Ok, @Thirdtwin

    Was that link Sarcasm?

    Clinton had said and done so many wrong things, that her record for faux pas makes it hard to tell. I would never put it past the liberals to so proudly and dumbly play their hand.

  16. @Sam neverhillary…

    Yes, it was a joke. “Guest experience curator at Disney…” lol, and what is up with all these “curators” everywhere now? Curatology, is that that an offshoot of Baristaology or Library Science or what?

  17. @thirdtwin — haha! Yes, “curatology” is the new “pairing.” Anyone who puts two or more things together (maybe even one thing counts) is ‘curating’ something. A handbag and shoes, a wine and a meal. It’s precious.

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