Hillary Clinton Says She Still Doesn’t Know ‘What Happened’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Says She Still Doesn’t Know ‘What Happened’

Daily Caller: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that she still doesn’t know exactly why she lost in the 2016 presidential election.

Clinton wrote a book called “What Happened” after her loss, but apparently she still hasn’t quite figured it out.

“You know, after the devastating election of 2016, which you know I’m still trying to figure out, to be honest with you,” she began during a speech at Ida’s Legacy Fundraiser in Chicago.  MORE

34 Comments on Hillary Clinton Says She Still Doesn’t Know ‘What Happened’

  1. Well, first the Clinton Foundation crashed JFK Jrs plane so she could run for that office the following year. And shits been going down hill ever since.

  2. Well, the first thing to do is stop the post election bender. Once you sober up things might clear up for you. But then again you’re a Democrat which means you live in your own reality so it could be hopeless explaining the facts of life to.

  3. Hillary.

    It’s real simple.

    We just don’t like you.

    Never did.

    Even the people who voted for you did so for reasons having nothing to do with you. They actually don’t like you either.

    Clue in.

  4. 1. People distrust you.
    2. People don’t like you.
    3. People think your pussy stinks.
    4. People think Chelsea’s pussy stinks.
    5. People know Billy is a rapist like a Kennedy.
    6. People hate you AND your pussy stinks.

  5. If she can’t figure that out its total proof & confirmation she was completely incapable of being POTUS.

    If she can’t figure out the cause of the simple problem of why she lost – she sure as heck wouldn’t be capable of determining the causes of far more complex problems in the world & finding a solution.

  6. Of course not, Hillary. You’ve fed us so many lies about yourself over such a long period of time that even YOU believe them, and no amount of reality can convince you otherwise.

  7. When you consider everything we are finding out about all the underhanded schemes that were employed by government insiders, the press and others I can see why she would be flummoxed.
    The odds of Trump winning were next to none, yet he did anyway!

  8. If the DOJ and FBI did it’s job Hillary might be able to figure it out. But since the DOJ and the FBI only seriously investgate NON-democrats, Hillary will continue to stumble around extremely clueless till the devil takes her back home. Which can’t be SOON ENOUGH!!

  9. Too bad she lost her law license years ago. Rosenstein could have appointed her to investigate Trump.

    Seriously, why won’t she just ride that washboard stairway down to hell, coughing all the way.

  10. If Chelsea had died in a plane crash last year, there would have been less public grief from Hillary over the loss. And certainly no book about it. Although Mueller would be investigating the plane crash, too.

  11. Because you are ugly, stupid, lazy, dishonest, mean, worthless, petty, revolting, disgusting, putrid, lame, morbid, perverted, sick, nasty, demented, retarded, and odoriferous! Now just go away and never darken our door again!

  12. I just heard she struck a deal with Trump to avoid prosecution.

    She’s required to travel the world for the rest of her natural life, making an ass of herself.

  13. You know…
    To be honest with you…
    Two phrases that indicate that Hillary Clinton is lying to you.

    Or any time she’s using words of one syllable or more.

  14. The most corrupt, evil, repulsive, unelectable candidate of our lifetimes can’t figure out how 20 years of scheming and bribery somehow failed to seal the deal.

    Blown away in 2008 by an unknown mysterious half-black Muslim gay soy-boy named Hussein.
    Blown away in 2016 by a complete political amateur, self funded, despite total MSM smear fest and being outspent 10 to 1.

    Every time she opens her mouth. The Smartest Best Qualified Woman Ever ™ alienates another bloc of former supporters.

    Which will get her first, the booze or a visit from Soros’ heart-attack specialist team?

  15. Lets see: You wrote a book explaining “what happened” and than turn around and declared that you still don’t know “WHAT HAPPENED”?
    Smart, very smart.
    You commie cunt. 😉


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