Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline

hillary cl

Sharyl Attkisson:


December: President Obama nominates Hillary Clinton for secretary of state.


Jan. 13: Reports say the clintonemail.com domain was established.

Jan. 21: Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state.

March 18: Clinton will later name this as the date she began using a private server for government business.


Sept. 11: Islamic extremists launch the terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, killing Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Ambassador christopher stevens 0

October: Clinton convenes Accountability Review Board (ARB) to investigate State Dept. actions surrounding Benghazi.

After the ARB and Congress call for Benghazi-related documents, top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan are allegedly present at a document sorting session in the basement of the State Dept., according to Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, who later told me he witnessed the operation. No law enforcement body contacted or interviewed Maxwell.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.


Dec. 10, 2012: Clinton cancels a trip due North Africa and the mideast to “illness” and a “bug.” State Dept. does not disclose she has fallen and received a head injury.


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6 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline

  1. Brad, there were four U.S. fatalities at Benghazi (Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods) She therefore deserves to die 1-1/3 times for Benghazi.

    And that ain’t no Common Core math, baby.

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