Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate – IOTW Report

Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate


DC: Hillary Clinton flip-flopped her way through answering a question on gun control during Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate.

Clinton first told moderator Chris Wallace that while she is a strong believer in the Second Amendment, she also believes “there can be, and there must be reasonable regulation.”

“I want people who shouldn’t have guns not to be able to threaten you, kill you or members of your family,” she continued. “When I think about what we need to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. I think we need comprehensive background checks, we need to close the online loophole, close the gun show loophole.”

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19 Comments on Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate

  1. What part of “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” does she not understand?

    Gun control, or more precisely, weapons control, is the first necessary step towards tyranny. As what’s-his-name wrote, the purpose isn’t to control ALL weapons, just those in the hands of the people – the cops, the Armed Forces, and the Security Services, of course, keep their weapons un-infringed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. She understands it and original intent of the framers were quite clear that the 2nd amendment was put in
    Place to combat tyrants of Hillary’s ilk. So, she understands it. She just hates it. Same with the Kenyan.

  3. The hypocrisy of Hillary and the Democratic (Fascist) party:

    1. Falsely claims to be concerned about toddlers getting killed with guns, but has no trouble with infanticide because the unborn have no rights under the Constitution?

    2. Complains about Trump whining about things being rigged against him after 1st complaining HERSELF that Russia is rigging the election through computer hacking against HER, but apparently had no problem with Russia hacking anything when she had a secret information on her ILLEGAL private server?

    3. Claims stronger together for women and the LGBT community, but takes big dollars from countries that throw the same demographic off of the tops of buildings.

    4. Wants open borders, but wants increased border security to guard those open borders.

    5. Throws tantrums against her supporters behind close doors, but self-proclaims to possess good judgement and emotional fitness to run the country.

    If I was Russia, I’d want a pushover female cranky-pants in the White House pretending to run things.

    Putin doesn’t want Trump in the White House because Putin would be forced to respect it.

  4. “Putin doesn’t want Trump in the White House because Putin would be forced to respect it.”

    I totally disagree. Putin and the Russian people don’t want a war with us anymore than we want are war with them. Putin cannot deal or trust anything that’s come out of this administration. Joe Biden basically declared war on them a couple days ago when he announce publicly that we would be launching a cyber attack on them. Fing stupid ass. A strong hand in the White House that they could trust would bring stability to the situation.

  5. “I think we need comprehensive…”

    Stop tight there. When somebody from the govt wants to do something comprehensive, it always ends up incomprehensible. And we end up less free.

  6. In the democrat promised land, only criminals and the body guards of the rich have guns. The rest of us just beg the US boyar class for protection, and they squeeze us for it by using the criminal class as allies in the effort to stoke fear and rip the public off blind.

  7. “BB-If Putin has some dirt on Hillary, he better fucking use it because this crazy bitch will get us into a war with Russia.”

    We were at DefCon 3 last week. Did you hear anything about it in the news? These ass holes are playing a dangerous game.

  8. Is nothing sacred? Poor Bozo & Clarabelle are rolling in thier graves. Clown are supposed to make you smile.

    That being said, as far as Putin and Russia go, I suspect they would rather deal with mature adults, which they will get with a Trump administration. There is much to be said in foreign policy, as in busines, for playing by defined rules and with little uncertainty. You haven’t seen any of that from BHO in both spheres.

    They can try to ammend the constitution and repeal the 2nd, but they would have done so already if they could. It is nothing but red meat for the looney left and it will never happen. Illegal confiscation would have unforseen consequences and it would be a loser politically.

  9. Bad_Brad, this is what happens when you put ChicagoWay Alinskyites in charge. They scale up their trash talk/fixer/hitman methods to a national level, then they step on their dicks–or tits, as it were–when they try to take it to a global level.

  10. Dumb bitch kept saying 33,000 which is about how many emails she deleted.

    I can guarantee you that if she was given the chance, she would personally execute about 33,000,000+ people in this country that despise her.

  11. Putin is understandably concerned about the US starting a war with Russia. Russia is trying to defeat Islamic terrorists in Syria, and the US is giving the terrorists guns and money.
    When the terrorists start using military ordnance here in the US, who will help defend us? Not Obama or Clinton, they’ll try to make a ‘deal’ that gets them more power.
    I’m not a fan of Putin for a lot of reasons, but at least he’s trying to defeat Islamic terrorists.

  12. @old_oaks October 20, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    > she would personally execute about 33,000,000+ people in this country that despise her

    Which is why she has any opportunity to effect change.

    Oh, sorry… There, there, princess. Everything will be alright.

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