Hillary hates Citizens United except when it benefits her – IOTW Report

Hillary hates Citizens United except when it benefits her

PatriotRetort: Among the WikiLeaks Podesta Emails released today, I found a memo Robby Mook provided Hillary Clinton on how to exploit the “post-Citizens United” environment to their advantage.

This memo, “Some Options in Post-Citizens United Campaign Environment” was compiled by Team Hillary’s general counsel, Marc Elias.

In his email to Clinton, Mook wrote:

Attached is a memo Marc prepared on some issues related to superpacs and state parties we wanted to discuss with you next week, specifically (1) coordination of rapid response with Correct the Record; (2) coordination of some ads with Priorities; (3) use of state parties to defray costs; and (4) suing the FEC to compel action against Bush and Republican superpacs.

I’ve talked with Huma and Alex about finding a time that might be convenient for you. This is probably best to do in-person, but if your schedule doesn’t permit, we’ll arrange for a call.

Let us know if you have any questions in advance!

So, Team Clinton is trying to find ways to coordinate with Super PACS without violating Federal Election law. While at the same time they want to know the best way to sue Republicans for doing the same thing.

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