Hillary, Michelle, get "heckled" at speeches – IOTW Report

Hillary, Michelle, get "heckled" at speeches

Washington Times:

Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama hit by hecklers at separate speeches.

“Immigration is an important issue,” Mrs. Clinton said in reply to the hecklers, the media outlet reported. “If you had just given me a minute, I would have gotten to the DREAM Act.”

Their shouts went on for some time, MSNBC reported, until her supporters in the crowd started chanting, “Hillary! Hillary!”

In all, Mrs. Clinton experienced three more waves of heckling interruptions during her speech, MSNBC said. Police tried to shut down the interruptions quickly by yanking the hecklers from the room.

Meanwhile, down the road in New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Obama was facing an unruly crowd of her own.

The first lady was delivering remarks at a local high school gymnasium to support Gov. Dan Malloy when a small protest broke out, shortly after she started speaking. A young woman repeatedly shouted that the first lady was a “dreamer” and called for her to back some pro-amnesty legislation, The Washington Post reported.

Mrs. Obama met the heckler head-on and shouted back: “We love you, babe. We really do,” The Washington Post said.


Oh please. I’m going to call BS on all of this. They knew these protesters were coming and they played along.

6 Comments on Hillary, Michelle, get "heckled" at speeches

  1. “If you had just given me a minute, I would have gotten to the DREAM Act.”

    Great Hil, isn’t there a video you can blame and maybe lock up a coupla million conservatives by next Monday?

    Nothing better than the Fing Dems giving away what they could never own by themselves.

  2. It’s not immigration. It’s criminal invasion facilitated by the White House. The only issue is, how fast can we send them back. Dream Act my ass. Hillary, Obama, and all the rest of the immigration reformers are traitors.

  3. I agree with Cardigan. These were PLANTS, nothing more. This was done to show “how well they think on their feet.” Bullshit. These brain-donors couldn’t think of a way to melt ice without legislation.

    Remember pearls or diamonds?  How do you spell the sound you make when you projectile vomit?

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