Hillary Rodham: Violent Avenger of Bunnies – IOTW Report

Hillary Rodham: Violent Avenger of Bunnies

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Even before the silly news broke of an 11 year old video of Donald Trump’s egregious Pussygate,  locker room language not usually used in polite company, or before talk of who does or doesn’t possess the temperament to be President, we were treated to an even more true shocker of a story (conveniently ignored by the media) by author Edward Klein in his new book ‘Guilty as Sin’.

Mr. Klein has previously written in ‘The Truth About Hillary’, that Hillary was a big old thigh licker with “no wifely instincts.”

In his new book he reveals that she cusses and has an explosive temper, (she is said to have blooded-up a sitting president over a stain on a carpet or something) and probably can’t be trusted to be president because she could very well be not only a serial liar, but pathologically violent.

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17 Comments on Hillary Rodham: Violent Avenger of Bunnies

  1. What would you pay to see her explosive temper at the last debate?

    I don’t want her to stroke out, fall down or do anything that might garner sympathy. I want her to blow her top and scream at everyone and tell the audience just how much she hates them.

    Yeah, I’d gladly donate some moola if that would happen.

  2. i’ve punched kids that looked like that, but they needed it. some of them needed more so i was happy accommodate the need. they needed to learn the lesson of don’t fuck with me! and they learned it well. class dismissed.

  3. Vince Foster weighed in on Big Fur’s post…

    “Explosive temper? Ask two Secret Service Agents, ‘What happened to Foster?'” 👿

    Buddah was right when he said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.”

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