Hillary says her ‘Capitalist views’ hurt her in primary – IOTW Report

Hillary says her ‘Capitalist views’ hurt her in primary

Hillary Clinton has a new culprit for her electoral woes: capitalism.

While addressing the Shared Value Leadership Summit, Clinton said her “capitalist views” hurt her in a party where so many people are socialists.   More @ American Mirror.

27 Comments on Hillary says her ‘Capitalist views’ hurt her in primary

  1. Will nothing rid us of this tiresome whiner?

    Actually I’m surprised she admitted the Socialist leanings of the Dim Party.
    Treading on dangerous ground there with them, she is.

    (Comes out sometimes, my inner Yoda does.)


  2. So now she is complaining about “winning” the Primary instead of losing the General election ?? Is she now a Victim for however dishonestly winning the Primary? Would she have preferred losing to Bernie so then Bernie could lose to Trump ? I can’t keep up with this shit.

  3. The dimwit won the Iowa primary. What the hell is she even saying? Except, perhaps, you need to adjust your policy and economic beliefs according to the audience you’re addressing???

  4. Hillary screams:

    This woman is batchit crazy. I’m serious. She has gone over the sanity edge, falling deep down into psychosis.

    Just shut up and corrupt.

  5. Uhhh … Mrs. Clinton … there’s a vast difference between “capitalism” and “corruption.”
    Maybe you could look it up?

    She’s blamed everything except the kitchen sink.
    (and she’d have to ask Huma or the scullery maid about that)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Maybe if the news media stopped echoing crapaloid news about her she might actually fade away for good. Really, does anyone really care about anything except her going to jail for 500 years?

  7. @Toenex, I thought the same thing and as it seems to be her never ending Raison D’être, an accompanying Chronological Timeline might serve as a reference point should her election defeat become an accredited College Course at Snowflake U, where triggering is never allowed.

  8. I had nothing to do with your personal corruption, selling uranium to Russia,
    Lesbianism, a drunk and a drug user. Aside from that there was no possible way you go you could lose!

  9. Hat tip Andrew Wilcow “The Wilcow Majority”
    The “beast” is a bourgeois socialist

    Marx acknowledged the bourgeois industriousness that created wealth, but criticised the moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie when they ignored the alleged origins of their wealth: the exploitation of the proletariat, the urban and rural workers.


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