Hillary’s health: the issue the media refuse to cover – IOTW Report

Hillary’s health: the issue the media refuse to cover

AT: As Tammy Bruce correctly pointed out recently, there are very good reasons to worry about the health of Hillary Clinton and her ability to discharge the duties of office, should she be elected president.  Just this week, she appeared in public looking like death warmed over.

Can you imagine the press & GOP hysteria if Trump showed up at a public event looking like a zombie? But when it comes to Hillary, all we hear are crickets.

The image [below] is from a public statement she made [Wednesday] addressing national security in Virginia. Which means her appearance is not the result of being caught by paparazzi early in the morning, after stumbling outside, half-asleep after a bout with the flu.

There are constant questions about her health that the legacy media refuses to cover; they don’t ask the questions at all as a matter of fact, indicating that her health remains an issue.  Considering her appearance, combined with the bizarre coughing fits, some serious questions about her health must be immediately addressed.  Will the legacy media do it?  Will the GOP?  Unlikely, since she’s their candidate.

Mrs. Clinton has not released her complete medical records, and she suffered a serious fall with a brain injury in 2012.  MORE

26 Comments on Hillary’s health: the issue the media refuse to cover

  1. “She participates in a healthy lifestyle and has had a full medical evaluation, which reveals no evidence of additional medical issues or cardiovascular disease.”

    How does one “participate” in a healthy lifestyle? Seems like a roundabout, Clintonian way of saying that she doesn’t actually live a healthy lifestyle, but she occasionally schedules yoga classes which she misses.

    But I am glad to see that her full med eval reveals no additional cardiovascular disease.

  2. How about this as a theory:
    1. Hitlery gets nominated.
    2. She picks a young, far left VP.
    3. She becomes president due to criminal election tampering.
    4. She resigns within a year due to “health” reasons.
    5. Goodbye USA as we knew it.

  3. @ Jethero

    In 2012 about 60 million people voted to flush the USA as we knew it down the toilet. There was plenty of criminal election tampering. Did you hear a word about it from Romney? I didn’t. He’s a loser. Same story for John McCain. I think Trump will at least put up a fight if he loses. You know fraud is going to be involved. It’s what democrats do.

    As for Hillary’s health, she could die today and be taken to a taxidermist, stuffed and put behind a podium tomorrow and her supporters probably wouldn’t know the difference.

  4. I think that if Hillary does not get elected president this time around, she will become so discouraged that along with her failing health, she will give up and die. I am totally serious about this.

  5. Who the fuck picks out her clothes?

    It’s like the modeled the look from Ernst Stavro Bllfeld from the James Bond movies

    Must be the same folks who dress Michelle 0bama in couch fabric

  6. Oh, fuckin please!

    She’s been morally DEAD since her birth (hatch?) and being medically DEAD wouldn’t sway the brain-dead zombie imbeciles who support her.

    So why tease us? Why tease us with the notion that the bitch is about to drop dead? I get to thinking “Well, yeah, that’d be nice.” and then it turns out she’s wasting oxygen another day – lying another day – stealing another day.

    In a just world – or in a country that had any self-respect – she’d be hanging from a lamp post somewhere with the crows eating her alcohol-sodden face.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Her VP pick – to take over in case of an “unfortunate” “accident” – will be an interesting and revealing choice. You may have to start watching your back, Hillary.

  8. I’ve read elsewhere that Hillary grapples with an ongoing problem of industrial-strength insomnia. Like the good control freak that she is, she refuses to take medication for it because it makes her “less sharp” the next day. I can’t understand how she feels getting only a couple of hours of sleep per night would make her “more sharp.”

    I had the same problem when I entered menopause and my hormones went all bizarro on me. After about three weeks of seriously disrupted sleep, I realized I couldn’t live a normal life unless I could sleep better. My gynecologist prescribed Trazadone, which I take to this day. Zzzzzzz……

  9. This lady is a pure evil sickie in every way. What’s so bizzarre is how there are actually people that support this lifeform in her pursuit of the white house. There is much ignorance around the reality of what a creepy bastard she really is. Of course there are many who want her in 2016 just because of the depravity of this woman.

  10. It’s not complicated. 51% hire presidents and elected officials to act as stick up men to confiscate our dough. They only have to work one hour every two years(I.e. Vote) didn’t have to brandish a weapon or be charged with a crime yet the money flows to them in buckets.

    It’s the perfect crime.

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