Hillary’s Vivid Imagination- Now She’s Convinced Herself Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Vivid Imagination- Now She’s Convinced Herself Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election

If Hillary ever happens to mutter, “maybe people just don’t like me, ” someone yell, “Yahtzee!!”


What Hillary is talking about is a liberal theme spread by The Nation magazine and Priorities USA, a Clinton super PAC, that laws requiring voter ID and “other suppression rules” prevented many people from voting. Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, who came within a hair of becoming the new head of the Democratic National Committee, got out in front on the issue shortly after the election. Just this month, he tweeted that “Wisconsin’s Voter-ID Law Suppressed 200,000 votes in 2016 (Trump Won by 22,748) — via @AriBerman @thenation.”

But honest liberals haven’t let their brethren get away with such reasoning. Slate — in a story headlined “Did a Voter ID Law Really Cost Clinton a Victory in Wisconsin?” — quoted several election experts who poured “a big bucket of cold water” on the idea. The reliably liberal fact-checker Snopes ruled the claim “unproven,” noting that even if some people lacked the ID required to vote and didn’t bother to fill out provisional ballots, it didn’t mean they wanted to vote.

The liberal website Vox went further and pointed out that 1) Clinton lost in key states that didn’t have new voter-ID laws and 2) her margin of defeat was too big to be explained by any suppression. Even the New York Times filed a report from Wisconsin that found that black voters were far less excited about Hillary as a candidate than they had been about Obama. Despite Hillary’s active imagination, it’s appropriate to investigate allegations of voter suppression, which has a dark history in this country and against which we need constant vigilance — although requiring an ID is not suppression.

19 Comments on Hillary’s Vivid Imagination- Now She’s Convinced Herself Voter Suppression Cost Her the Election

  1. I’m trying to suppress my mirth at this Hillarity! She wins in every state that doesn’t have any kind of voter ID, with hundreds of thousands of illegals voting to insure that they can turn this country into a third world socialist welfare hellhole, and she tries to blame her defeat on voter suppression. Most of the people who voted for her suppressed their common sense and patriotism in order to try elect the most corrupt woman in American history. God speed, President Donald J. Trump!

  2. I have 2 problems with the story: 1. It’s not commonly called a vivid imagination. It’s being delusional. 2. Honest liberals? That’s such a rare breed it’s should be under Endangered Species protection.

  3. Hell, my dog Sarah has Canine Cognitive Disorder as well and takes two meds to control it. If Clinton wants, I’ll send her the names of the drugs along with contact information to my Vet and maybe she can help her.

  4. The evil, biased, media, education, and entertainment industries suppressed about 20 million Trump voters. The only rapist’s wife voters that voter I.d. laws suppressed were illegal voters (non citizens, convicts, multiple voters, dead persons, votes made by party operators in the name of people they knew weren’t going to vote, etc.) and even then rapist’s wife still got probably at least 5 million illegal, illegitimate votes.

    It’s a good think the INS is starting to convict and deport illegal aliens for voting. As word of that spreads through the illegal alien communities, it will “suppress” several million more illegal democrat votes in the upcoming elections.

  5. No, Hillary’s problem was that there was not enough voter suppression. Too many people were sick and tired of the Clinton corruption and the out-of-touch policies of the Democrats and voted for someone else.

    Hillary’s excuses would have some legitimacy of the Democrats had done well in Congressional, state and local elections. But they didn’t; America rejected the leftward lurch of the Democrat party and its banner carrier Hillary Clinton. But that’s o.k. – I want the Democrats to continue whining about non-existent reasons for their losses with no introspection so they continue to lose.

  6. How long are the Dems going to humor this deluded, debilitated hag? I guess they’re biding their time until they can use her corpse in a rah-rah memorial service.

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