PatriotRetort: Turns out Hillary Clinton is historic. Just not in the way she would want.

The former Miss Rodham made history this week when, according to Gallup, she hit the lowest favorable rating ever.

That’s pretty damn historic.

Gallup didn’t start rating Hillary Clinton’s favorable/unfavorable numbers until 1992.   MORE

8 Comments on HISTORIC!!!

  1. I want to see Trump rip her apart like a terrier on a rat.
    I want to hear him growl and roar while he disembowels her.
    I want to hear her scream and hiss as her guts hit the pavement.
    I want massive herpes infection sores to erupt on her lips … and Huma’s also.
    I want to see her cough up her shriveled ovaries.
    I want to see the tears of her media sycophants and listen to their wailing as Satan’s Prom Queen dissolves before their eyes.
    I want to see Bill Clinton stutter and quiver and shake in the throes of dementia or Parkinsons or syphilis or whatever the hell he has as time and time again he tries to get this despicable evil woman elected.
    The next time Bill gets on the air to promote his wife’s candidacy, I hope he pisses himself, live, in front of America.

    I really really really really don’t like these people.

  2. I believe Bill has AIDS…..little wonder why, and considering his jaunts with whores, the timing is about right for the eruption of the virus…. a fact the “news media” will carry to their graves….I hope when Trump wins, he revokes the press passes for all these lemmings….

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