Hit the Hershey Highway – IOTW Report

Hit the Hershey Highway

Hershey begins firing the unvaxxed.


The Hershey Company has begun firing office workers who did not get vaccinated against COVID-19. On the way out the door, Hershey is asking employees to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience.

Although their signature comes with a “special separation payment,” many have not signed the agreement and won’t get the money. Employees say the payment was determined by an algorithm and for some, amounted to just over two months’ pay.

By most accounts, working at Hershey was a great job. Employees at the Hershey, Pennsylvania headquarters and at offices in other states report higher than average wages and bowls of candy placed around the offices for snacking. During holidays, employees would get a big bag of treats to take home, although that practice stopped after Easter 2021. There is a sample room for trying new products, colorful graphics decorating the walls, and the products are more fun than selling insurance.

But it stopped being fun after months of human resources meetings that employees say included education about the vaccines, asking if the employee had changed their mind about getting the shots, and uncomfortably invasive questions.

“I really thought I’d be OK,” Kim Durham, a payment analyst and sourcing buyer, told The Epoch Times. “I thought, you cannot question my faith. Nobody can question that.”


23 Comments on Hit the Hershey Highway

  1. This is bullshit Democrat conspired Communism. Shit, the virus is getting weaker. It’s not a threat to society any more. They are creating a totalitarian structure in order to make people more submissive to authority of the elites. Fuck Hershey.

  2. “It was an interrogation on your religious beliefs…It was terrible. I was asked such personal questions that had nothing to do with religion.”

    “No one expects the Hershey inquisition!”. (Monty Python reference. 😁)

    Tyrants just can’t get enough of distributing misery and poverty, even a damned chocolate factory.

  3. “Although their signature comes with a “special separation payment,” many have not signed the agreement and won’t get the money. ”

    The moment you sell your soul – or not.

    I am so proud of all those who chose integrity over a few extremely TEMPORARY dollars. Really not that far above getting a free donut when you think about the future value of the life you are forfeiting.

  4. mickey moussaoui FEBRUARY 1, 2022 AT 11:23 PM

    This is bullshit Democrat conspired Communism. Shit, the virus is getting weaker. It’s not a threat to society any more. They are creating a totalitarian structure in order to make people more submissive to authority of the elites. Fuck Hershey.

    The truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth.

    So help us God.

    In Jesus’ name, we pray you bless us all with strength, wisdom, and the spirit to overcome these evil people.

  5. @RogerF February 1, 2022 at 11:15 pm

    > I would have used the elastic starfish guy, who fortunately is not around anymore

    The Internetz never forget! Here, hold my mous…!


    The hell man!? What’s yer prob…!


  6. When I started working for Mobil Chemical Company back in 1982, there was the Employee Relations Department. Those people took good care of the employees needs and always helped to navigate through all the red tape that came with working for a very large company. They advised us on how to gain the most from our generous benefits package. Often, they would keep the company from trying to shortchange us in regards to those benefits. When Exxon and Mobil became ExxonMobil, in 2000, things were done the Exxon way. Employee Relations became Human Resources and things went to hell in a handbasket for us. ExxonMobil, under the control of Rex Tillerson, ruled with an iron fist that any fascist dictator would have been proud of. They made it their mission to let every employee know that they were totally expendable. All rules were draconian in nature and punishment was swift and sure. I made it to retirement, but those crazy bastards would go nuts if they knew some of the things I did in defiance of their ridiculous rules. I took it on myself to be responsible for my own safety because ExxonMobil damn sure didn’t. Rex can suck it!

  7. Wow, yet another Get Woke, Go Broke company. Money talks, spend it on chocolate from a different corporation. Wrote letter to them explaining why I hope they fail now. Making your employees get vaccinated or be fired tells us a lot about Hershey. BBB, (Bed Bath Beyond) lost me on canceling My Pillow, Target on unisex bathrooms.Pensky Spice for CEO stupid rants, Starbucks
    Nike,Coke,football,the list keeps growing. Cool, because I’m also saving money!!!!

  8. Hershey’s has been in league with the sinister globalist fiend and CCP partner George Soros for ages thereby their discrimination and segregation against workers who btw made the company successful is typical. Dump Hershey’s…is the bottom line.

  9. Their chocolate has been low quality crap since the 90’s.

    T Mobile is also going to fire non brainwashed….I mean unvaxxed employees.
    I’m switching.
    It was a great deal for over 55’s at $35 per line with unlimited everything.
    Between the attempted censoring and this they can shove it.

    HR departments are not there to protect employees’ interests. They’re there to protect the company.


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