Hogg and Others Offered Scholarships At New Mexico State – IOTW Report

Hogg and Others Offered Scholarships At New Mexico State

TMZ is reporting that one of the colleges at New Mexico State University has accepted  David Hogg and the other Parkland activist students. The acceptance letter goes on to state “Please tell David, Emma (Gonzalez), and any other of your student leaders, that they are welcome at the William Conroy Honors College and at New Mexico State University,” the letter states. “I can assure them that they will be admitted to our university, and I will personally make it my commitment to raise as much funding as I can to support them with scholarships.” More

21 Comments on Hogg and Others Offered Scholarships At New Mexico State

  1. I KNOW a guy who got a Masters degree out there. It’s in the middle of NOWHERE. Either the aliens from Roswell will take him, or we’ll NEVER hear from him again! A win-win for EVERYONE! 😛

  2. If he attends at all, my crystal ball tells me this is one good deed that won’t go unpunished. Now that he’s had a taste of the notoriety that comes with his protesting (“Camera Hogg” as Rush calls him), it wouldn’t be long before he was organizing protests against the college for some imagined slight.

  3. It has just been announced that Mr. Hogg will be interning with Mr. Sharpton and Mr. Jackson at Obama University in Chicago. He will of course be taking pre-course qualifiers at various colleges offering opportunities to remove his WHITE PRIVILEGES and changing his name to HOGG-HONKEY.

  4. Boy, these Universities can’t do more to trash the little value left in a college education.

    Shut them all down and use the properties for more prisons. Keeping felons off the streets will be a much better use and for the forseeable future demand will be rising.

  5. Okay, I believe we should be done now.

    NO MORE Threads about Hogg, unless of course it’s about his OBIT!

    Or perhaps about the drive his parents took him on (on Highway 1)

    Yeah, that’s the ticket…

  6. Seeing that they’d only be 45 miles from both the Mexican border and El Paso, Texas, they would assuredly become active in the causes of illegals and turning Texas blue.

  7. I noticed that the offer only extends to Parkland student “leaders” which, of course, is open to interpretation by NMSU administration. Does anyone think the students outspoken in support of the second amendment will be offered this deal?


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