Homofascism Should Be Crushed – IOTW Report

Homofascism Should Be Crushed

Andrew Klavan-

I think Homofascism — this current movement to regulate and restrict opinions and outlooks toward homosexuality — indeed, toward anything — should be crushed. Lawsuits against photographers who won’t shoot gay weddings. Television show cancellations because the hosts oppose gay marriage. Attempts to silence anti-gay preaching or force churches to recognize gay marriages. Crushed, all of it. Crushed by the united voice of the people, crushed in courts of law, in legislatures, in businesses and in conversation. When someone is sued, attacked, shamed, boycotted or fired for opposing gay marriage or just opposing gayness in general, straight and gay people alike should protest. No one should lose his television show, no one should be dragged before a judge, no one should have his business threatened. Don’t tell me about a company’s right to fire its employees. It has the right, but it isn’t right. It’s unAmerican and it’s despicable.


12 Comments on Homofascism Should Be Crushed

  1. Here here. Klavan nails it.

    Ya fags wanna give each other colonoscopies, knock yourselves out. Does anyone here disagree with this? Fist away. Just leave me out of it. But you want approval? And “acceptance”, too? And a “celebration” of your ‘lifestyle”? Which part, the sodomy? The perversion of all that’s good and natural?

    Sorry, that’s a bridge too far. Like my generation used to say, step off, ya crazy queer.

  2. We are living this “Twilight Zone ” episode. “It’s a Good Life”…

    “This is Mr. Fremont. It’s in his farmhouse that the monster resides. This is Mrs. Fremont. And this is Aunt Amy, who probably had more control over the monster in the beginning than almost anyone. But one day she forgot. She began to sing aloud. Now, the monster doesn’t like singing, so his mind snapped at her, turned her into the smiling, vacant thing you’re looking at now. She sings no more. And you’ll note that the people in Peaksville, Ohio, have to smile. They have to think happy thoughts and say happy things because once displeased, the monster can wish them into a cornfield or change them into a grotesque, walking horror. This particular monster can read minds, you see. He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something, didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster. This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont. He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you’d better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.”

    Unfortunately, The Twilight Zone didn’t know how to deal with Anthony. Do we?

  3. Klavan contradicts himself. You can’t advocate state recognition and approval of homosexual marriage and at the same time affirm the rights of anyone to disapprove of these unions.

    There is no separating the homofascists from the movement towards legalization and encouragement of immoral behavior. This is all about legislating (im)morality. It’s not about being “a friend to any person who wants to do whatever gives him joy and hurts no one else.”

  4. Larry you troll, are you lost? The Daily Beast is at the other end of the Internet.

    What’s next Larry, re-education camps for those that think LGBTs are abnormal? Go away you fascist.

  5. We should all laugh.

    Point and laugh.

    Laugh loudly, with guffaws and snot running.

    And when they get shrill, just say “Aw, go on, ya silly faggot!” and laugh some more.

    Let a smile be your umbrella!

    Their heads will explode. The self-important cannot endure ridicule.

  6. Tim

    You made my point better than I did.

    The only reason, the ONLY reason, that these assholes have power is because we allowed them to have it. We accepted their narrative that somehow, something was wrong with US, and that we’d better get busy feeling bad about it.

    It’s the very core of what gives political correctness any viability at all: we allowed it to work on us, to change us. They’ve preyed upon our Christian charity, our decency, and in return for our trouble, all we’ve received is a class of ennobled miscreants and a totally buggered society.

    Enough, I say. I for one am done. Think I’m racist? So what? Think I’m sexist? Or homophobic or anti-welfare queen or against deadbeat dads or teenaged thugs or perverts or the lazy?

    So what?

    Frankly, who the fuck are you and why should I care when I’m out here BUSTING MY FUCKING ASS to pay for the FREE SHIT and UNEARNED HAUGHTINESS and total THANKLESSNESS I GET FROM YOU?

    Who am I to judge, you ask?

    Your FUCKING JUDGE, that’s who!

    I’ve taken your measure and found you sorely lacking!

    Tell you what, all of you who would see white Christian males set back or torn down or removed. Without us the rest of you would still be shitting your banana leaf clothing and hoping you found enough berries or dead rodents to eat to propel your sad, stupid, lazy, uncreative ass for another day.

    Here’s an idea…why don’t you go out and thank a white guy today?

    Because without us, there’s a good chance there would be no you.

  7. @nco77 – Your idea is brilliant! Let’s take it a step farther and declare, oh, how about the third Thursday in June (that would be the 19th this year) as world-wide Offend the GBLTs Day.

    I think I might see if there’s a GBLT-owned cake decorator nearby and order a sheet cake that says, “Too Bad About AIDS, Guys!” and have frosting decorations of chocolate starfish, headstones, and a cartoon Grim Reaper.

    Just in case anyone’s wondering, this is not sarcasm!

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