Hot water for Hunter Biden is reaching a boiling point – IOTW Report

Hot water for Hunter Biden is reaching a boiling point

NYP: The walls are closing in on Hunter Biden.

 The US attorney in Delaware investigating his business affairs has been busy subpoenaing his bank records and calling in his ex-girlfriends to testify in front of a grand jury about his wild spending sprees.

Devon Archer, his former business partner, best friend and fellow Yale alum, faces sentencing Monday, four years after being convicted over a $60 million scheme to defraud one of the poorest Indian tribes in America.

Prosecutors from the Southern District of New York have recommended to US District Judge Ronnie Abrams that Archer serve 30 months in prison, the same as co-defendant Bevan Cooney.

But yesterday, Archer’s lawyer, Matthew Schwartz of Boies Schiller Flexner, asked Abrams for a non-custodial sentence, arguing Archer has suffered enough.

He “has been subject to pretrial supervision for nearly seven years during which he has a spotless record of compliance, has lived an otherwise exemplary life, and has already suffered greatly due to the collateral consequences of his arrest, trial and conviction.”

No further punishment is warranted, because Archer, a former Abercrombie & Fitch model, has “watched his reputation and career systemically crumble” and he “and his family have been affected financially, and are currently severely cash-negative.” 

Prosecutors gave short shrift to Archer crying poor, arguing that he “is living in a multimillion-dollar Brooklyn townhouse, and owns a second residence in the Hamptons, both of which have significant equity. He and his wife [Krista, a doctor] own investment assets worth more than several million dollars … more

29 Comments on Hot water for Hunter Biden is reaching a boiling point

  1. “If Archer does end up facing prison time, there is always the possibility that he might cooperate with authorities investigating Hunter’s business dealings in return for a reduction in his sentence.”

    …Archer didn’t kill himself.

    Let’s just get that out of the way right now.

    Because it’s bound to come up later.

  2. There is absolutely nothing here. Burisma needed to get rid of some money, and Hunter was available. Crack needs to be smoked or it goes bad. Hookers need to be employed as hookers or our labor statistics will look worse. China needs to pay for influence or Xi will need to learn how to negotiate fairly. And that hobo needed to be stabbed because…hobo.

    Brian Stelter says there is nothing to see here, so there is nothing to see here.

  3. Sure. How many times have we heard this? We can go back to Billy Boy and Monica, or even before. “It’s here!!!, It’s here!!! We have them now!!!” crickets.
    Perp walk someone, or leave me alone.

  4. Shhhhhhh.

    Were bust pushing a war that no one gives a fuck about right now.

    You know, In the Other country full of Cyber Hackers that steal grammie’s money.


  5. This all could have been avoided if Killary was Prez.
    She would have cut the Krain into 3 parts.
    Vlad’s on the East.
    Clinton European Initiative on the West.
    And a Neutral zone that both sides could exploit in the middle.

    Killary 2022 & a Half!

  6. President DeSantis was speaking at CPAC earlier today.
    He killed it of course.

    Speaking of crackhead:
    Just think how close it was that a crackhead came to being Florida gov in 2018.
    The same black dude found OD’d with a male prostitute in a Miami hotel.
    40,000 votes out of over 2 million cast.
    The whole world would be different.
    We wouldn’t get President DeSantis!

  7. My Feminist Ukrainian Neighbour saw me come home today, pointed at my Huge F@CK TRUDEAU Flag that faces her house and asked me “Are You Gay?” insinuating that I want to sleep with the Bastardo.

    Being the Son-of-a-Bitch that I am I responded, “Have you learned how to speak Russian yet?”

    Her Husband is Polish & a great guy though.

    Fun Times!

  8. @LBS: “Smartest person I know…”

    I actually don’t doubt that statement. Not because it implies Hunter is smart, but that it reveals the everyone around Joe is dumber than a government crack-pipe.

  9. I said this just the other day here, and I’ll say it again. I think this Hunter problem will become Joe’s problem. This will be easy for the Dims to get rid of Joe. The Ukraine business will implicate “The Big Guy.” The Dims don’t want Kamala either, they’ll figure out a way to get rid of Kamaltoes. All of this shit storm is crashing down on America. China and Russia finally figured out how to really screw us over. I have to admit though, this would not have happened under Trump. Notice how covid mandates kinda disappeared, countries dropping masks and jab mandates. They know what’s coming, they don’t have time for lockdowns, they’ll be too busy covering their own hides. TSIATHTF! Even Turd-ooh sees what was coming and he shit his pants as well–and he backed up. He’ll be one of those we will hear that the mob brought justice to Justin.

  10. FI – The Biden administration is shutting down a Justice Department program that focused on countering Chinese espionage, following stumbles in a series of criminal cases and accusations that it amounted to racial profiling.

    I’d say that mighty convenient just before Uncle Xi invades Taiwan!

  11. “…Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges…”


    “Difficult challenges” of Hunter’s own sleazy, corrupt, disgusting, pervy making.

  12. “Just think how close it was that a crackhead came to being Florida gov in 2018.
    The same black dude found OD’d with a male prostitute in a Miami hotel.
    40,000 votes out of over 2 million cast.

    Loco – believe me, I think about that at least once a week. So thankful that socialist fag didn’t get elected.

  13. @RogerF February 24, 2022 at 5:24 pm

    > Perp walk someone, or leave me alone.

    Perp walks were off the table, the first time “reasonable” prosecutors “exercised” “discretion”.

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