How did I spend A Day Without a Woman? – IOTW Report

How did I spend A Day Without a Woman?

PatriotRetort: Yesterday was the Hateful Harpies in Pussy Hats “Day without a Woman.”

Or, as I call it, “Wednesday.”

And how did I celebrate it?

Why, I’m glad you asked.

I ignored them.

I didn’t write about it, tweet about – nothing.

And as much as we may have hoped, this supposed “Day Without a Woman” was not an opportunity to be free of these wretched scolds.

Not at all.

Instead, they marched, protested and generally got in everyone’s faces.

What part of the word “without” do these gals not understand?  MORE

29 Comments on How did I spend A Day Without a Woman?

  1. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. I didn’t know what to do because I wasn’t interrupted and nagged what to do 25 times yesterday. And the spider in the bathroom? It got to live another day.

  2. My fiancee’ and I have an arrangement – I cook and she does the dishes. But yesterday in honour of Day Without A Broad, she cooked and I did the dishes.

    Well, dinner sucked and I still had to take the damn garbage out.

  3. Does any one even remotely know what they are protesting against or demanding?

    I think they are just mad about President Trump defeating The Hildabeast.

    If they have any demands, they must be ridiculous. Please show me anywhere in America where there is institutionalized and accepted sexism. Not in education where women are fully represented in college (more so than men). They are in the labor force fully with the caveat that they can earn less due to their departure from the career field for child rearing. I also see the lower representation in some fields as an admission that the desires of women differ from men. Different priorities mean that they gravitate to different careers. Nothing nefarious there; just reality. So, they really need to shut up.

  4. Here it was the same as any other day. Went to my female hair dresser who is also a legal immigrant who became a citizen. She voted for Trump. She likes making money and works hard.

    Didn’t notice any difference at the veterinary clinic where all the female employees were present and working.
    Didn’t notice any difference at the Post Office where all the female employees were present and working.

    Went to the Indian restaurant for dinner where every one in the kitchen is male and most of the servers are male. didn’t notice any difference.

    Slopped hogs, did laundry and light house keeping just like any other day.
    Didn’t see a single pussy hat. Didn’t smell a single feminazi. Didn’t hear a single screeching shrew.

  5. I started the morning showing my wife how much I loved her (it WAS ‘Hump Day’ after all). Then I told her that was a great way to start the ‘Day without women”; she got a big laugh out of that (she is a conservative woman with a sense of humor). Then I made myself a sandwich to take to work (but I do that every work-day).

  6. The womyn all showed up at my ‘male dominated job;’ we still had to say “Pardon my French” whenever we said ‘fuck,’ ‘shit,’ or ‘piss-flippers.’ So pretty much like every other day. One guy got punched in the head, but that was SOP for a normal day.

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