How Else Were We To Get McCain Out? – IOTW Report

How Else Were We To Get McCain Out?

Conservative Treehouse

3:15pm -Senator John McCain took to the floor to deliver a speech.  Stated he voted to proceed with debate, but he will never vote for the Senate bill.  Instead McCain demands the entire process begin again; starting over in committee (time for more lobbyist $$).

McCain then delivers a 10 minute speech filled with virtue signaling, pearl clutching, and ‘reach-across-the-aisle’ “isms”; while demanding that all senators stop listening to the American people and return to the preferred way of indulging in their own Senatorial best interests.   McCain communicated to the chamber that the American electorate are too stupid to know what’s good for them, and the Senators should rule over the proles.

Despite his looming incapacity and terminal brain cancer, McCain refuses to resign.

Donald Trump was entirely right about John McCain.


And then we have this unnecessary scold–

Yes, his family’s grief, the ominous diagnosis, his alleged heroism… I hear ya.  But this is POLITICS.

If this is what it takes to get one of the most powerful RINOs out of office, a guy that kept running into his 80s, a guy who planned on being taken out of the senate in a body bag as he obstructed full throated conservatism, oh well, he got his wish. We SHOULD celebrate it. This is what he wanted. It’s a happy occasion when someone dies doing what they enjoy.

ht/ tsunami

39 Comments on How Else Were We To Get McCain Out?

  1. I couldn’t get through the video. Although I don’t wish death or harm to anyone it is going to be insufferable to have McCain redefined as a true hero and the reason America is great. It just isn’t true if you look back at his last 30 years in Congress. He is corrupt, he is a huge reason we are where we are today. I’m sorry he has to suffer with this horrible diagnosis but having him stay active and canonized daily for whatever time he has left is hard to stomach. Plus they are just going to wheel him out even more than just on Sunday shows to rip Trump and try to stop his agenda. Please do the right thing for the country and yourself and resign and go spend whatever time is left with your family.

  2. It’ll be interesting to see who votes yay/nea on the Senate Bill.

    What got me in hot water in 2008 is now – hopefully – seen as lukewarm:

    “Thank you, Sen. McCain, for your military service to the country; now: please die for the good of the country.”

  3. After the prayers and wishes for recovery this ungrateful little man just received, he
    chooses to be graceless. I don’t care what party you support, it would have been
    appropriate for him to be respectful to his elected position and to the American people.
    Yet he continues to earn his Soros dollars. McCain has never supported the best
    interests of the people. Only his own.

    Good riddance.

  4. John McCain is NOT the reason I am free.

    If he is indeed a hero, release ALL classified documents relating to all MIA/POWs. The same information the House passed unanimously and McCain obstructed and stopped in the Senate.

  5. McCain has gotten on my nerves for decades. I used to give the benefit of the doubt re: his “military record,” but around the time he obstructed getting info out of terrorists I reconsidered those claims as untenable given his antics that have been televised for all the world to consider.

    At this juncture I think his “war record” was more likely than not cooked up by his family to launch his political career.

  6. John listen. If you were back at the Hilton resisting NVA interrogation or a grunt on the DMZ fighting VC infiltration five feet away at night, hand to gland, your persistence would be noble. You’re 80 years old with terminal brain cancer affecting your cognition and personality. It’s obvious.

    You now, today, lack the capacity to represent the Republic analytically and faithfully to the Constitution and press the real conservatives’ reformation in a timely fashion. This is grandstanding. It’s obstructionist.

    Time to go home John.

  7. A TWOFER thought:

    Arrange a luxury hotel conference “rendezvous” with McCain and Pelosi
    (*nudge nudge wink wink*)

    Two for the price of one!

    Only downside is, Pelosi is more valuable to the Right as she is.

  8. Why should I have an ounce of respect for McCain when he condemns average Americans (AKA the deplorables, proles etc.) beneath contempt because they voted against what he and the rest of the snobbish elite consider to be in their best interests, bowing down and kowtowing to their lust for power and control over the American people. KMA, you old fart. As a former sailor I have no respect for you or John Kerry, you were probably just as much a prick as a Navy Officer as you are a US Senator.

  9. I like the way cousin Joe Dan Gorman puts it… “As Christians, we don’t wish for the TIMELY death of a political foe… we wish for them to have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment”! And that is my wish for John McCain… he should retire immediately, concentrate on healing and search his soul (if he hasn’t already sold it).

  10. How long did Strom Thurman (died at 100) & Robert Byrd (died at 92) get wheeled in for the dog & pony show?

    If Johnny won’t vote to get repeal Obuttcare – the very thing tax payers have voted for in record turnouts since 2010 – his taxpayer paid, world class health bennies should be cancelled.
    McCain can sign up for Oblowme health coverage.

  11. Sure like that’ll ever happen, his health coverage is what every American needs and not just for elite snobs like him. What’s fair for the elites should also be fair for us deplorables as well. And maybe John if you would’ve beaten barry like you should have we might not have obummercare but you would have been a lousy president. Maybe not as bad as obummer but still lousy.

  12. Her entire sermon about Johnny boy was inaccurate. His arms are like that because he didn’t follow simple instructions during his “punch out” Also he knew if he left the other prisoners that he would be considered a traitor to the others. His captors refered to him as the “songbird”. His war record? nearly burning to the waterline an entire aircraft carrier, costing dozens of lives. The man is as loathsome as they come, he is scum.

  13. “all senators stop listening to the American people and return to the preferred way of indulging in their own Senatorial best interests.”

    A rare truth from a congressman. Time to dump them all. They don’t give a damn about their voters.

    Time to demand that congress follow EVERY law and regulation they pass. No exemption, no exceptions.

    And their off session time needs to stop. They don’t use it to talk to constituents. As it is now, they get paid by taxpayers, while they are out fundraising and vacationing in foreign countries. If school can go year round, so can they.

  14. The moment he resigns is the moment I’ll wish him and his family the best. Take it private where it belongs and good bye.

    Until then, since he’s using his health as a Uniparty rallying cry, he can f@ck off.

  15. He’s had brain cancer for some time. His words and actions show that he’s not right mentally. People with his type of brain cancer are very combative, cannot make rational decisions, almost like an Alzheimer patient. McCain is a dangerous man to be making any kind of decisions for the American people. He will not resign because he’s incapable of thinking rationally. I hope he goes fast – the sooner the better.

  16. His family’s grief? Look… If you know daddy’s a mobster, a pedo, or just a simple, corrupt, traitor, you either pack your stuff and move away, leaving no forwarding address, or you stick around for the bennies and the satisfaction of knowing how special you are, sticking it to the proles. If the uncomfortable death of “somebody that you used to know” registers more than a name you don’t recognize, that’s hardly tragic. If you enjoyed basking in the reflected darkness, it’s not wrong to wish you, all, worse.

  17. I want to think like liberals. ‘If Trump is impeached, Hillary will be president.’ So if McCain dies (rest his soul) does Palin become temp Sen? Actually Gov of AZ decides.

  18. If McCain knows better than We the Pepole do and voted NO on that basis, then why aren’t senators under the same plan that is so good for the average American?

  19. F*ck off, McCain. Hearing you blather on about how media pundits are causing the problem of your and your compatriots inability to legislate is weak and infantile.

    Just change your party affiliation already so the stupid people won’t be fooled any more.

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