How Leaders Behave – IOTW Report

How Leaders Behave

That introduction for the Republican debate last night was a real mess. Ben Carson didn’t hear his name announced and they didn’t even call John Kasich.


But Donald Trump’s simple act of decency was perhaps the highlight of the night before the debate even started.


49 Comments on How Leaders Behave

  1. I keep stopping short of saying anything too positive about Trump, because I’m probably headed for a big disappointment.

    In doing so, I’ve kept my ears open more than my flap. It’s quite comical the stuff I hear sitting on the sidelines, only time will tell but I’m holding my cards close.

  2. That was the weirdest thing to watch. The idiot backstage hand peeking from the corner should have just come into view and spoken to Ben Carson. I thought Ben and Trump were staging a protest together. I didn’t realize Trump was helping him out. That’s cool.

  3. I respected Trump for this action at the debate last night.

    And then today I see he tried this corrupt action and he’s back to normal;

    Exclusive: Trump Tried to Pay Vets To Be Props

    So when he can’t get the charity to comply he gets the State Representative to be the prop for giving the check at the rally to the charity and then the State Rep will take the check by later.

    Still a corrupt action having the Foundation and Campaign coordinate.

  4. Woody, I’d wait a bit to see if this story is true. They were floating another story when he made his candicacy announcement that he was paying people $50.00 to cheer for him. It turned out to be BS.

  5. I am a little bit confused at why you take no issue with what the Cruz camp did to Carson and Trump. By far it’s the dirtiest trick I’ve seen in a while. Solidly chicken shit. But I guess it’s fine because Cruz did it.

  6. Woody — I just read the article. It’s too bad Daily Beast went for the cheap headline. As the Trump Foundation president, (and I don’t know if that foundation was put in place only for that charitable event or not — the article doesn’t say and I haven’t researched it), Trump has no legal conflict of interest in handing a check over to to the charity named, even if it was at a political rally. He was acting in the capacity and spirit of the fundraising effort, not a campaign. The founder of the charity seems to be the only one thinking along the lines of “paid prop”, but he has no problem with the charity receiving the money. His political loyalties? Don’t know, doesn’t say.

    Further, with regard to non-profit conflict of interest, much larger charities were happy to receive their checks on stage (see Puppy Jake, for example) at an Iowa campaign rally. Since these were the only opportunities for Trump to personally hand then their checks. I don’t imagine any of the others hadn’t also thought of and cleared the non-profit/political conflict of interest hurdle with their counsel.

    And, actually, another large charity and probably others promoted the fundraiser on stage along with Trump and others who openly campaigned for Trump that evening — like the sisters widely-known as “Diamond and Silk.”

    This is a Daily Beast hit piece and not a very good one. It plays to the most mercurial emotions of those looking for another excuse to vilify Donald Trump and the good thing he did for the vets. Shame on them.

  7. This my friends, is the objective evidence of integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. People can argue it was a set up. Like an executive told me a long time ago, you never know how good a server (or anyone for that matter) is until things don’t go according to plan. We need more people with integrity in office, not merely paying lip service to it because it polls well.

  8. Bad_Brad,

    I already explained my opinion of this whole Trump/Carson silliness. Nice that the definition of “dirty trick” has been altered just in time for this election to be used against Cruz. Comparing the past of another candidate to being akin to a Child Molester I guess is just fine when you then later use that candidate to bash one of your other opponents. Funny, but I guess all these adjustments are what is needed to support Trump.


    The Donald J. Trump Foundation is who received every single cent that was donated during Trump’s media game during the last debate before Iowa. This Foundation has been in existence for a long time and has been used by Trump to funnel money for influence. For instance, Trump used it to contribute $200K to the Clinton Foundation when he was currying favor with Hillary.

    I take it you read the article and if you did you saw where the Attorney General’s office clearly indicated that for the charity to accept the check at a campaign rally would jeopardize their tax exempt status. Additionally, since the Trump Foundation is tax exempt as well it is a conflict and corrupt act for them to coordinate the giving of donations through a campaign rally as Trump was trying to do.

    Pretty clear, but I guess when it comes to Trump anything goes….

  9. ACTORS – “The show must go on!”, as they rush by with their top hats and canes, primed and ready to do their song and dance.

    Real men, Gentlemen – by their actions say, I stand with my fellowman in his time of need. It’s a great visual of what Trump would like to do for the people of this country. We have been rushed past by, and ignored by, and used and abused by actor politicians, who are whores to big money, until we, as a country, and as a people, are at the point of total destruction. I would rather take my chances with Trump than to return to the vomit of the abusive relationships of which we keep thinking, “it just won’t happen THIS time.” Trump is able and willing to do good by this country and we the people, and he doesn’t lust after big donors and their money or agenda.

  10. AbagailAdams,

    To address the specific points you raised here are the answers you missed in the article;

    The value of the work the foundation did to assist the campaign event could be considered an illegal campaign contribution. And the foundation is barred from getting involved in political activity, such as supporting a campaign rally, he continued. “Neither the foundation nor other charities should be working hand-in-hand with the campaign to promote Trump’s campaign events.”

    “This is not directed at the Trump campaign,” Howard said. “This is about any campaign.” {Howard is the head of the Charity}

    Plus, Howard believed appearing at a political rally could jeopardize his group’s nonprofit status—something a call to an expert in the state attorney general’s office confirmed. And he found it strange that the call was coming from a Trump campaign staffer, rather than someone related to the foundation that raised money for veterans.
    {end quotes}

    Not sure how you missed these important points, but they are in there nonetheless.

  11. Woody, You accuse me of accepting anything Trump would do as blameless but that has been your position on Cruz. I’m suspicious of a man who will be glad to take someone’s money yet is the only one who would be “God damned if (he’ll) serve as a prop!” out of over a score of other charities who haven’t made this into a much bigger story. And as far as trying to accuse Trump of stealing money from the vets, that’s about as low as one can go. And they, and you, are doing just that in the most snide terms. You don’t come right out and accuse him of stealing, but you make it more than obvious that’s what you think he did. Where is your proof? Redstate? Resurgent? Conservative Review? Or, any number of anti-Trump sites and pundits? If this was a true story, then why hasn’t ABC, NBC, CNN and FNC been all over it? One would think this would be juicy red meat for them. Such a scandal would absolutely sink Trump’s candidacy. Why don’t they pull the trigger?

  12. Yes, I was impressed with Trumps manners. Very classy.
    I have to give Cruz credit also. I thought his responses were
    spot on. It became obvious afterwhile that ABC wanted to focus away from Cruz and Trump as much as possible.

    Rubio didn’t help himself very much, oh well.

    The governors packed up like hyenas on fresh meat.

  13. Yes, Trump can be very gracious.
    In my opinion though, you see the true nature of a man when his mask slips as it did when he made that stupid comment, got booed by the audience, then insulted the audience.

  14. Having never seen a situation like, much less how to handle it, I would have acted like one of the sheep and went out on stage when my name was called, like Cruz, Jeb and Rubio. Most people would, like the famous Milgram study.

    To size up the situation and act independently takes a special kind of mind that’s willing to go off script when faced with a dilemma.

    Trump came up considerably in my eyes with that one act. I hope to see more of the same that can reassure me that he is indeed a Conservative and would govern as one if elected.

  15. ” then insulted the audience.”

    Several FOX news personalities verified he was spot on about the audience. All GOP money people. Why should he care? They are his enemy. And ours.

  16. Dr. Tar — You and others are seeing, maybe for the first time, an unmistakable act of chivalry and if that’s not the bedrock of conservatism, I don’t know what is. But those of us who have heard Trump speak his own words in his own way and have read the stories and heard the testimony of others (and not necessarily those who boost him) about his character, his unbidden acts of kindness (while managing to keep these acts hidden from the public) and his deep loyalty to this country, it’s not such a surprising thing. This is what makes it so difficult for me to understand the hang-up many have over the label “conservative” versus the actions of someone who is fundamentally conservative. I trust someone’s actions more than their words. I hope I’m right. I think I am.

  17. Trump’s got class.

    That being said [written], nothing of substance came out of the “debate.”

    It is impossible to discuss most any issue in 60 seconds, thus the “sound bite” “debate” over inanities.

    “He’s a poo-poo head!”
    “You’re one too!”
    “I’m not a poo-poo head! You are!”
    “But … but … my Mom likes me!”

  18. Abagail Adams,

    “You accuse me of accepting anything Trump would do as blameless but that has been your position on Cruz.”

    You lengthy posts where you go into very long and in some cases pretzel logic to absolve Trump or to explain how something Trump said or did is outdated and not what he meant tends to make me wonder if he could do anything wrong.

    As for Cruz, I have stated and still have issues with his H1B Visa position because it is something that directly affects me and my livelihood. You may have missed my long post explaining such back a week or two ago, so I will simply say that Cruz is not perfect and can do wrong in my eyes. But to claims that the latest silliness being peddled by Trump and unfortunately Carson is somehow dirty, dishonest, and beyond the pale is ridiculous. Carson did better then was predicted, something that would not have happened had what Trump is peddling actually been the effect of his charge against Cruz.

    As for the story, it is recent, it is a weekend, and it really doesn’t fit the narrative that the media wants to use when it comes to Trump. When it comes to charities some have no problem showing up to support whoever is writing them a check because in many cases they can’t afford to be choosy. This guy has evidently always been this way and as such he is being consistent, something Trump could learn from him.

    As the accusation that I am somehow suggesting Trump is stealing. Far from it. It is his Foundation and as such when people gave the money they are trusting that he will do with their donation what he said he would do with it. I have no reason to believe otherwise. I made the point that he has used his Foundation in the past to contribute to other entities with the obvious purpose of buying influence since that is the accepted only reason to donate to the Clinton Foundation knowing that almost none of those funds will ever be used for charitable purposes. I have not looked, but I hope that the $200K involved in that transaction was totally from Trump himself.

    At this time, as far as I know Trump is giving the money donated to certain specific Veteran’s charities. As such he is doing what he promised. My only issue with this was his method of using this money and the Veteran’s charities to which it was being given as props to enhance his own campaign image while claiming he was only doing it for the Vets. Sorry, but that takes away the altruistic and charitable characteristic of Trump’s actions and tend to paint it as more of a campaign act, one in which those giving and those receiving are just props intended to make Trump look good.

  19. @John S – make no mistake, that audience was as contrived and choreographed as a symphony and the moderators attempted to be conductors. That “audience” was the gopee attempt to sell a narrative and buoy a sinking candidate. The gopee want you to believe it was merely an average audience. They did not and will not tell you that audience is using its influence and is there trying to get a return on their political investment. I meant candidate Jubio.

  20. Woody.
    Fact, Cruz manipulated votes by lying about Ben Carson’s announcement to go home and get a clean set of clothes before continuing on. Cruz camp published threatening mailers to Iowa voters which intern they were called out on by Iowa election officials. Cruz camp published a fake news paper report of endorsements for Cruz that he never received and tweeted them.

    Fact, Trump might have bad hair.

    You can’t justify this shit.

  21. Having watched the video a few times, I don’t think either Carson or Trump heard their names called (the voice of Martha Raddatz who called their names was much softer and high pitched than that of the male hosts). Although it’s a nice thought, I’m not so sure that Trump was purposely being as magnanimous as he is being given credit for. Maybe both were simply waiting on their queue to come out. Badly handled by ABC either way.

  22. And now it’s almost game time. Hope everyone’s team wins! I’m retreating to the quiet of a sewing project, only to reappear when the drinks and the food run low. 🙂

    Enjoy the absence of politics (excepting, perhaps, halftime) for a few hours!

  23. Nice move by Trump. He really is aware of the nuance of good manners which gave Trump the advantage even before the debate started.
    Only thing that was annoying is Carson tends to be passive aggressive at times. He should have anticipated his name would be next and stayed focused.

  24. After watching again, I think Carson knew he should take the stage and was heading out there (maybe Christie waved him to come out) he was almost on stage when they announced Cruz and he got confused and stayed back.

    Trump knew something was wrong and joined him to lend support. Everyone else went out when their name was called, only Trump stayed back till Carson was recalled properly.

    I sincerely believe Trumps act of camaraderie kept the whole debate from being tainted by leftist accusing the whole GOP field of being racist against Carson. Few of them would actually believe anyone was being racist, but they would revel in the opportunity to make the accusation and watch GOP hopefuls squirm and get side tracked from attacking the awful Dem candidates.

  25. Geoff;
    There were 1000 people there.
    Only 75 were GOP donors. 20 were hand picked by Trump.
    It was not a Trump rally, but it was not stacked against him.
    The article you linked makes the same false claim I am seeing everywhere about it being mostly GOP donors. It also cleverly edited what Trump said and the audience reaction.
    If you step out of the Trump echo chamber you will come to understand why his negatives are so high, and they have little to do with his policy positions.

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