Chechen Warlord Shows Off Cybertruck With Mounted Machine Gun
(Zero Hedge)—Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov claimed on Telegram on Saturday, “We received a Tesla cybertruck from the respected Elon Musk.”

Kadyrov’s claim that he received a Cyberbeast from Elon Musk or Tesla was not independently confirmed. Given that the US State Department has sanctioned Kadyrov over numerous human rights violations, the warlord more than likely bought the vehicle off the black market or through a third party. more
They didn’t show the generator on a trailer that they tow behind it.
Well, well, well. Biden promised he’d have 7500 charging stations built. Never said ‘where.’ Looks like 8 in America, 7492 in Chechnya.
Just asken, is that muzzie going to run behind that sheet metal piece of shit? I mean I respect the hell out of Musks mechanical ability but that things a joke. The only place to mount that gun is the very back of that rolling piece of shit. So again, how fast does that guy need to run?
“…Kadyrov’s claim the Cybertruck will be sent to the battlefield is just a stunt…”
Ya think? Come on Zerohedge, even muslim warlords have a sense of humor. Next thing you know, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi is going to be cruisong around in one with a missile-launcher.
OTOH, this Cyber truck could be a CIA trojan horse. Better be careful, Ramzan. It’s all fun and games until the thing speeds up uncontrollably and hits a wall.
They’re not worth a shit offroad; the Cyberbeast model has a curb weight of almost 7000lbs. For comparison, a Ford F-150 V8 with the Super Crew cab and a 6.5ft bed comes in about 5000lbs. The sand monkeys had better stick with their Toyotas.
One good shot and it incinerates everything around it.
Yeah… that’s about the last thing I’d want to be in on a battle field. First of all it’s a prime, juicy target, very identifiable. Second, on the first hit it’ll probably wind up locking you in and roast yer ass to a crisp!
The entire charging vs fossil fuels clusterfuck is a hoot. Esp. in most places that don’t even have potable water available.
And the unquenchable fire is a dealbreaker, certainly.
But before you totally dismiss the vehicle’s abilities, watch Tucker Carlson’s 1 hr Youtoob review.
To be clearer, maybe they could be utilized like kamikaze torpedoes BECAUSE they explode in an unextinguishable inferno
They are damn fast.
Cybertruck: Turn them into FPV battering rams…
They are going to use them as Fire Bombs like manbearpig says.
Probably a gift from the DNC.