How Sleazy is Hillary? She Has Huma Working a Fundraiser- $5,000 a Pop To Take a Selfie With the Possible Future Felon – IOTW Report

How Sleazy is Hillary? She Has Huma Working a Fundraiser- $5,000 a Pop To Take a Selfie With the Possible Future Felon


$5,000 for a selfie with Huma! Clinton campaign touts chance for a picture with FBI target in bid to sweep up more of the ultra-rich’s dollars

  • Huma Abedin is at center of renewed FBI probe into her handling of classified documents – which has rocked Hillary Clinton campaign
  • But she is going ahead with a fundraiser at the home of an ultra-wealthy Washington hostess also attended by Diane von Furstenburg
  • Guests are being told $5,000 will buy them a picture with Abedin, who faces the prospect of prison if the FBI probe leads to charges and a trial
  • Abedin, 40, is off the trial and has been coldly described by the candidate as ‘one of my staffers’; another aide questioned her judgement
  • Abedin’s pervert ex-husband Anthony Weiner’s sexting relationship with a girl, 15, led to the current crisis hitting Clinton before election da


10 Comments on How Sleazy is Hillary? She Has Huma Working a Fundraiser- $5,000 a Pop To Take a Selfie With the Possible Future Felon

  1. What’s the big deal about getting a picture taken with a future felon? If these people are into democrat politics they probably already know a large number of felons personally.

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