How the five wealthiest Gulf Nations have so far refused to take a single Syrian refugee – IOTW Report

How the five wealthiest Gulf Nations have so far refused to take a single Syrian refugee

illegals europe


via DailyMail: More than four million Syrians have been forced to escape the never-ending civil war ravaging their country and the barbaric terror group carving a bloody trail across the Middle East.

The vast majority live in overcrowded refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq – all under threat from ISIS – and record numbers are making the perilously long journey to Europe.

Yet, as debate rages between politicians in Europe over how many they should take, nearby super-wealthy Gulf nations of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain have refused to offer sanctuary to a single Syrian refugee.


8 Comments on How the five wealthiest Gulf Nations have so far refused to take a single Syrian refugee

  1. As much as I can’t stand moslems, I do admire some of their border control techniques. Bastards!

    And Hussein 0bama won’t let the Syrian Christians in here, but he will bend over and offer free blowjobs to jihadis and potential jihadis.

    (I was gonna say Roll out the Red Carpet, but Max beat me to it. Good call Max!)

    Nice website.

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