How the left controls language – IOTW Report

How the left controls language


As Dennis Miller is fond of saying, liberals have a War Room for everything but war.

Similarly, the left is ever eager to refer to any unacceptable behaviour as “terrorism,” so long as it isn’t what you or I or otherwise normal people would consider terrorism.

Consequently, a bunch of ranchers occupying a vacant building to protest government overreach is terrorism (or the work of Y’all Qaeda), but a Muslim fanatic gunning down his fellow soldiers while screaming “Allahu akbar” is “workplace violence.”


4 Comments on How the left controls language

  1. I throw it back in their faces at every opportunity. Is it helpful? Probably not, but I think it’s fun, so I continue to do it. I’m petty like that sometimes. “Pro choice” people are “baby haters”. People who support big-government are “servile boot lickers”. MSM “journalists” are “leftist propagandists”. Feminist women are “man-hating hags who can’t get laid”. This list is endless.

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