How the left defines the right – Their Ironic Intolerance – IOTW Report

How the left defines the right – Their Ironic Intolerance

Steven Pinker has a term called the left pole. This describes a mythical place where the left resides.

In the north pole all directions are south.

In the left pole, all directions are right.

He says that the left brands all people right-wing even when they aren’t ideologues, but get branded right-wing simply because they disagree with one particular leftist belief.

That sounds like a harsh litmus test. But is it?

How tolerant are you? What’s an acceptable liberal belief in an otherwise right-wing individual that would prevent you from tossing them into your personal ash heap of history? Could you vaporize (metaphorically) a 1/10th progressive?

Could you invite a 2/10th progressive to speak at your college? 3/1oth?

The danger here is when the 9/10ths right-wingers all hold the same lefty belief, like a gun control issue, a major plank of the right-wing platform becomes termite infested and possibly lost.

Maybe the left has the correct attitude.

What do you think?

16 Comments on How the left defines the right – Their Ironic Intolerance

  1. I’m a year older than this leftist turkey, he looks far older than I do and still looks like a damned hippie. Get over it Peter Pan and grow up, it ain’t the 60’s anymore. And besides the 60’s weren’t all they were cracked up to be. My generation of dumbass baby boomers threw a major league snit over Vietnam and social justice etc. and a lot of them still haven’t put grown out of it. Fortunately I did, thank God or I would still be just like them.

  2. He looks like a Leftist, but he’s actually more of a Centrist. He’s apparently a pretty smart guy who recognizes the need for free expression and rejects intolerance from either the Right or the Left. We could probably use a lot more people like him in our colleges and universities, IMHO.

  3. He is correct free speech is not a right or left issue it is a constitutional right. I”m so sick of the left thinking they are smarter than conservatives what a joke. keep it up and keep losing elections
    that’s smart.

  4. divide and conquer… Oldest trick in the book… It takes two wings to fly an oppressive and tyrannical bird. Think fascism/ socialism/ communism or even a pure democracy. Better to look at all extremes with suspicion and critical thinking in my book. I believe that is the true definition of being conservative.

  5. Bill Murray who is known to show up and crash bachelor parties, tailgates or while someone is simply grilling meat. He recently putted golf balls around with Zer0 while extolling the virtues of Zer0care.

    We were at a friend’s place last night and Bill Murray’s name came up, talking about the cool way he just shows up at private events. These are typically conservative friends who have a small tinge of liberal inside because they’re union. I popped up and said something to the effect; Bill Murray is great, I like his unexpected brushes with common folks. However his recent PSA SHILL with Zer0 kind of damaged his reputation in my opinion.

    The room went silent before the. Oh come on, just because he did one thing with Obama you don’t like him anymore?

    Well that was a pretty FAKE thing to do, especially for a guy who likes to randomly show up to REAL events. I could understand maybe a little comedic banter about cross town rivalry and the Cubs finally winning the World Series (which was part of the PSA) but to go all in for Zer0’s signature failure? Yeah, he kind of sucks to me now.

  6. FACT: People on the right side – conservatives – are far more tolerant of those with different opinions than those of the left. Why? Maybe it’s because people on the right still believe in the basic goodness of man, they have hope in the future and believe that freedom works wonders on the human condition. Conservatives have the ability to have FAITH, a characteristic that creates optimism and empathy for others.

    Conversely, those on the left tend to be more humanistic, which leaves the whole being more empty and vacuous. Lacking any underpinning belief beyond the present and the self, they tend to be more visceral and ban together out of sameness. They eschew ‘outsiders’ which leads to beliefs and behaviors as creating the common bond; there is little belief in self, apart from the group.

    Hence, the outcome is that conservatives tend to be more solitary and secure in their own beliefs, while leftists come together in groups whose beliefs are more tribal. In short, I can be myself and maybe disagree with my peer group on some issues, but leftists must form a collective, because their personal survival depends on the collective. The Hive, my friends, the Leftist Collective mentality is as rigid as any law of physics.

    Read, “Demonic” by Ann Coulter. She explains it perfectly.

  7. What does the Left call you if you see a future where your descendants are being carted around streets lined with massive marble columns, on chariots being pulled by minorities that are being mercilessly whipped?

  8. “He says that the left brands all people right-wing even when they aren’t ideologues, but get branded right-wing simply because they disagree with one particular leftist belief.” No, sunshine, he does not. He says the far left does that.

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