Seen in its totality, this is embarrassing. How they could ever claim to be anything else but an arm of the DNC is laughable.
Lawrence O’Donnell says in this compilation – “Barack Obama is the most noble man to have ever lived in the white house.”
I’m not kidding.
To tired to watch that video. I’ll watch it tomorrow. But I do want to give a little credit to where credit is due in this miserable leftist network and that’s gotta be Morning Joe. Sure they still piss us all off but even the hot Polish Blonde got it right more times than not. There was about a four week period of time when most of FOX was attacking Trump while Morning Joe was in his corner. Weird times.
They only care for Obama because he is black. The left has been on this black guilt trip for decades. I didn’t live in this country when during slavery and I didn’t own any black people. I don’t have any white or is it black guilt. But the people on the left sure as hell do.
I don’t watch msnbc, so help me out here. Who is that little beaver faced boy at the start of the video?
What is this thing called MSNBC?
So refreshing to know that Trump WON big league!!!
I made it till Lyin’ Brian spewed that we used nukes on Japan in WWll “out of anger”
Covering for Hillary going catatonic by saying temps in the upper 70s were “overbearingly hot” was also rich.
Saw how making a decision based on voting for first ever worked out. So having your platform of voting for first female as president was a lousy strategy. US was not in the mood to vote for a gimmick.
From “The Manchurian Candidate” 1962.
O’Donnell: (Barak Obama) is the kindest, bravest, warmest, and most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
Dr.Yon Lo: (MSNBC) Their brains have not only been washed, as they say… they have been dry cleaned, hee, hee.
Lawrence O’Donnell is a lickspittle. MAGA!
They have been reamed, steamed and dry cleaned and come back for more!
It’s sad to witness people so delusional, or so ethically twisted.