How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies – IOTW Report

How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies


As violent crime rates rise and unsolved homicides become more common, Many ordinary voters have noticed that the regime doesn’t seem especially interested in investigating and prosecuting actual dangerous criminals. At the same time, the regime appears increasingly paranoid about “antidemocratic” activities and other alleged threats to the state. Gangs of thieves cleaning out the inventory of small businesses? The ruling elite isn’t concerned. Meanwhile, if a small business owner fails to report a $700 transaction on Venmo, heavily armed IRS agents may soon show up on his doorstep

This apparent trend toward ignoring violent criminals while prosecuting hapless middle-class taxpayers has caused many conservative activists—such as Tucker Carlson and Mike Cernovich—to resurrect the thirty-year-old phrase “anarcho-tyranny.” Conservative columnist Sam Francis defined the term in the early 1990s as “the combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and, simultaneously, a grotesque paralysis of the ability or the will to use that power to carry out basic public duties such as protection or public safety.”

Francis would likely be among the first to say this isn’t true “anarchy,” of course. The state remains in full monopolistic control of its judicial, police, and military powers. That’s a good thing for the state itself since regimes can’t benefit themselves by actually losing control of the ability to suppress street crime. After all, states have long justified their existence with claims that they “keep us safe.” One might look to Mexico or El Salvador for examples of how rampant crime is a potential threat to state legitimacy. On the other hand, it is likely that many American policymakers are indeed indifferent to crime endured by their constituents so long as the taxpayers are sufficiently shaken down and the technocrats are well paid.  MORE

13 Comments on How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies

  1. I thought I was the only 1 who felt this way
    for a long time now. Seems like we are heading
    toward anarchy on a greased lightning bolt !
    I carry 2 guns with me where ever I go nowz-a-days…..

  2. The illegals are the replacement population.

    Once BLM and Antifa have served their master’s purpose, they too will be destroyed, actually with extra venom as you can never trust a traitor, not even one you made.

    The only way Frankenstein can regain control over his monster is to destroy it, after all.

    …one reason Communists erase history is so yhe kids are too stupid to know that’s how it works, always has and always will.

    They will die after us, then slaves with no knowledge of freedom will replace us all.

  3. General Malaise: never forget: we might be “humans” but we are animals, governed to a large degree by the reptilian part of our brains. Psychopathy is the norm, not the exception, because in the wild, the psychopath is a more ruthless killer. Only Judeo/Christian/Buddism and the like has interrupted this natural cycle, but obviously, it will never end it.

  4. The Authoritarian State uses degenerates to do their bidding. You have the “activists” – the BLM, Antifa, Gender Queer types at the street level – and the corrupt leaders at the top giving a wink and a nod to all of it.


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