How to make college students into neurotic basket cases – IOTW Report

How to make college students into neurotic basket cases

College Fix:

Make them tattle on each other for utterly harmless nonsense

Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, has taken a novel approach to fostering intra-campus harmony: it encourages students to report “bias incidents” such as signs “color-coded pink for girls and blue for boys.” You’re not reading that incorrectly: If someone posts a sign advertising a women’s group and colors it pink, then Williams College wants you to report that to the school’s anti-bias squad, which will then take all appropriate action.

As we’ve written before, sometimes you just have to laugh about this stuff. But in another, more important sense, this kind of asininity is very troubling. A great many colleges are, as a matter of explicit policy, training their students to be neurotic messes. Even a few short years ago it would have been laughable to imagine that a campus administration would be encouraging adults—grown men and women—to tattle on each other for associating the color blue with men or boys. But now here we are. It’s a small thing, to be sure, but it is symptomatic of something much larger. read more


11 Comments on How to make college students into neurotic basket cases

  1. Nobody expects the anti-bias squad. I think they should give them flowing red robes and big hats, and let them barge in on unsuspecting students at any time. I’m still on the fence about using thumb screws and the rack to coerce confessions of bias from recalcitrant students, but we are talking about maximum micro-aggressions so maybe.


    Back in the 90’s a major college in my area had a “Student tip line.” It was for reporting these sorts of things. They had mediators that would investigate and decide if it warranted going through official chains of university complaint protocol.

    Basically a tattle-tale hotline.

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