How To Watch A Football Game – IOTW Report

How To Watch A Football Game

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MYNorthwest Seahawks Fan has guests sign contract to watch Football in his Home

For one Seahawks fan, watching a game is about more than gathering with friends and chatting. In fact, it has nothing to do with getting together with friends, and certainly nothing to do with talk. And he has the contract to prove it.

Seahawks fan Ken Graat posted on Twitter a contract he drew up for any friends who wish to watch football games at his house. It is the result of repeated experiences at football parties where people weren’t watching or commenting on the game, rather chatting about non-game related topics, KING5 reports.

To tackle the problem, the fan drew up a contract, something he does in relation to his job. Included in the contract: Cheering is only allowed when the Seahawks do something worthy of cheers, or when the opposing team experiences something bad; Talking is limited to the game, except for commercial breaks; Pre-game discussion is also limited to football; No one is allowed to jinx the game by saying they think the Seahawks will win or lose; Participants must arrive 30 minutes before kickoff; And parents are discouraged from bringing their kids to his house to watch the games.

The contract also states that victory cigars are to be had outside after a Seahawks win. If the Seahawks lose, however, it states in bold that “YOU SHOULD LEAVE.”

The first offense in breaking the contract results in a warning, the second is being kicked out of his house. The third offense results in banishment from watching Seahawks games at Graat’s home.



Apologies to iotw Seahawks fans- I am feeling especially cynical today and I gotta say it-but I’m so over the whole #12s thing around Seattle. I see it a bit as late to the party because ya know- I didn’t see many 12s waving flags and hollering when the King Dome was imploded years ago. It’s a new phenomenon and you’d think that Seattleites thought of team spirit. I grew up in Columbus OH- Home of the OSU Buckeyes. Now, go ahead and tell me about football spirit whydoncha!

I prefer hockey anyway. 🙂

14 Comments on How To Watch A Football Game

  1. Ken is an anal retentive, miserable sumbitch. Here are my only rules when the better half and I host the occasional college bowl or Super Bowl party:
    1. Have fun
    2. If you have any questions, refer to rule #1.
    3. If you live outside our quaint neighborhood and you get too drunk, you will take a taxi home or you can stay in our guest bedroom(s). No exceptions.
    4. If nature calls and you have to take a dump in the powder room, please perform a courtesy flush and be liberal with the Fabreze.

  2. Okay, so were those punk ass high school thugs playing Kill the Polar Bear of Kill the Zebra – cuz playing Kill the Lion is just wrong, no matter what your safari guides say.

  3. I was in a Taco bell a few months after the Super Bowl and who do you think was working as a prep cook. That’s right, Pete Carroll.

    And once he had finished prepping my two tacos he turned around and made like he was going to throw them up to the cashier. That’s when I said, “No, Pete don’t pass ’em; hand the tacos off to the cashier. When you gonna learn, man?”

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