Human trafficking and the slave trade is alive and well – IOTW Report

Human trafficking and the slave trade is alive and well

In Cuba and North Korea.

cuba noko

[Babalu] – Many in the media, the Obama Administration, and some members of Congress are trying to sell the idea that the regime in Cuba is normal, but the facts in evidence demonstrate otherwise. If there is one country that Cuba shares a number of traits in common with, it is North Korea. That the Castro regime was caught in 2013 smuggling 240 metric tons of weapons to North Korea in violation of international sanctions should not be a surprise considering the outlaw nature of both regimes.
– more at BabaluBlog

4 Comments on Human trafficking and the slave trade is alive and well

  1. Me thinks someone just gave Obama an idea to finish his reign in a big bang. What are the chances Obama will reach out and “normalize” relations with N. Korea? He could even apologize for the movie “The interview” and could toss all those idiots in jail.

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