Hunter Biden Speaks Of His Dad’s Honesty – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Speaks Of His Dad’s Honesty

Daily Caller

Hunter Biden and his younger sister Ashley Biden lauded their father for his honesty, care and principles during the Democratic National Convention Thursday night.

“We want to tell you what kind of president our dad will be,” Hunter said. The two siblings go on to describe their father’s admirable characteristics. “He will be tough,” Ashley said. “And honest.” “He’ll tell you the truth when you don’t want to hear it,” she added. More

37 Comments on Hunter Biden Speaks Of His Dad’s Honesty

  1. So which false “telling of the truth” should we start with? His pinning a medal on a guy in a combat zone? His finishing in the top half of his law-school class? His finishing with two degrees? His claim that his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver? His honesty in plagiarizing his law-school exams? His Neil Kinnock speech plagiarism?

  2. “Fine People” hoax. That is the sum total of Biden’s campaign. There will be no debates, not only because Biden is a withered husk, but also because in the debate, Trump would knock this f—king “fine people” crooked cane right out from under old Joe, and no amount of “check the transcript, candy” from the mods would be able to hide this singular lie that is Biden’s whole campaign.

  3. Both kids are drug addicts, should have been arrested plenty of times but got away with it, and got their ‘jobs’ through Joe under shady situations.

    Yeah… I believe all of them.
    The lying dog faced pony soldiers

  4. Honesty, what honesty? 🤔 That’s laughable, Joe Biden and his family have been in government for over 50 year’s and can’t find one example of honesty anywhere.

  5. Wow, the Cadaver Esthetician profession have really lowered their standards, or maybe Hunter should’ve used someone other than his dad’s plastic surgeon. Creeeeeepy

  6. Uh oh. Looks like both Biden kids either skipped or were goofing off during their prefix lessons in grammar classes.

    Sister Mary Elephant, “Hunter or Ashley, please describe to the class the difference in meaning of the words “honest”, and “dishonest”.”

  7. Hunter, “Sister Mary, the word “honest” means someone with not a smidgen of untruthfulness, a completely sincere person. The word “dishonest” is a contraction of two words.

    The dis prefix is short for “distinctly”, meaning clearly distinguishable or readily seen. Therefore, “dishonest” is a shortened form for “distinctly-honest” – meaning someone who stands out from the masses as being easily recognized as being more honest to a higher standard than other people.”.

    Sister Elephant, “Ashley, do you agree with what your brother said?”

    Ashley, “Oh, yes mam. Most completely I do Sister.”

    Sister Mary Elephant, “Ah hem, well, I sorry to say, I’m not at all surprised by your answers”.

  8. Ashley, “There’s something you ought to know Sister Mary.

    Since dishonest essentially means “clearly-extra-honest” our Dad told Hunter and me to never ever ever describe him as being dishonest.

    He says it would be over the top pointing out the obvious, and it might sound like bragging to a lot of people. He told us to only say he’s honest. Our Dad is a humble man. And he has made the word dishonest verboten in our house”.


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