‘I Am Not Kidnapped’ – IOTW Report

‘I Am Not Kidnapped’

richard simmons ivy

NBC: Rest assured, fitness fans: Richard Simmons says he has not been kidnapped and is very much OK.

The fitness guru spoke out following a report in the New York Daily News suggesting he might be held against his will in a Hollywood Hills mansion.

“I am not kidnapped,” the 67-year-old told Entertainment Tonight by phone. “No one should be worried about me … The people that surround me are wonderful people who take great care of me.”  MORE

24 Comments on ‘I Am Not Kidnapped’

  1. Poor guy
    I’m glad he’s OK
    Lazlo once had an Aunt whom if airworthy, would have been registered as a Zeppelin.
    She started watching this guy and working out in her chair because she could barely walk.
    Then it was ‘Sweating to the Oldies’
    Then it was his walking fitness tapes
    That woman lost over two hundred and fifty pounds. She went from ‘that fat lady’ with high blood pressure, and all sorts of other really bad medical problems to a mature hottie without prescriptions, and a string of boyfriend wannabe’s circling like sharks.
    She said one time that this man was the sole reason she lost weight, got her confidence back and started kicking ass in her life.
    For that, I wish the little bastard well.

  2. “I’m fine and it’s not true that I’m being held against my will and no one is holding a gun to my head to say this…(hey, that knife point broke my skin…I promise to be good). Gotta go….love ya!”

  3. He could have full blown HIV and looks terrible.

    He always looks like that. Richard’s heyday was about 30 years ago. He’s not aging well.

    I was going to post this story in the Bull Pen, but I certainly did not have THAT pix to do with it. Man, oh Manischewitz. That had to be in West Hollyweird.

  4. Why can’t he be more like Jack LaLane? Just because one is thin does not mean they are healthy. Jack never did the gay crap, he was a total man – he even got arrested one time for DUI.

  5. I have all his DVD’s but can’t exercise with him cause I break out laughing. And I liked LaLanne… used to watch him as a child in Detroit, but don’t get me started on that blender of his I paid $149 for and it is a piece of Chinese dung. Shoulda bought a Vita Mix.

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