I Can Remember Fiorina Telling the World That Cruz Could Not Beat Hillary – IOTW Report

I Can Remember Fiorina Telling the World That Cruz Could Not Beat Hillary

She said Cruz wouldn’t scold top surrogates for insensitive tweets towards women.

Sound familiar?

16 Comments on I Can Remember Fiorina Telling the World That Cruz Could Not Beat Hillary

  1. IMHO This VP move smacks of desperation. Carly singing to Ted Cruz’s daughters during the presser was just weird and irritating. Is this their strategy to get the women’s vote? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

  2. Cruz was the small-government guy, conservative, pro-business. I liked nearly everything about him. Fiorina never was anything but a woman who did a good job of standing up for herself, but her politics matched the establishment right if not the left. What has happened to Cruz? Until December there was so much to like.

  3. WHAT NO ONE IS SAYING—43% of this country is not Democrat or Republican–WE are INDEPENDENTS . Trump has energized the Registered Republican voters–turning out in record numbers–in primaries. Where for the most part only Republicans can vote. Now just imagine how many Independents are going to vote for Trump in the general election against Hillary. Yeah, thats what has all of these fucktards running scared. I have YET to hear one pundit on either side talk about Independent voters–and we are the ones that will determine this election.

  4. all those “prediction savants” like Stossel –why aren’t they freaking trillionaires if they can foretell the future for the rest of us idiots? The mere fact that NOONE talks about Independent voters when in past elections they have been one of the main focuses tells you everything. Just like our looming national debt–the political and chattering classes think they can just pretend it and we don’t exist.

  5. On the other hand, did you see Chris Christy in the background at Trumps’ speech last night? A replay of the same “My Eyes Are Scared Shitless” from a month ago in the background of some other Trump function. This is not a slam dunk yet.

  6. Trump is a dimwitted tv dude who wanted publicity for his tv show. He does not know what he’s doing and will disappoint all you suckers. He’s big government, pro choice…etc. He won’t build a fence, he won’t kick out all the illegal aliens, he won’t do anything you think he will he is bullshitting you and you suckers are falling for it.

    Come on people when did you abandon the Tea Party Conservative’s?? Trump is a male version of Hillary.

    You are falling for his populist/emotional bs.

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