I don’t often link INFOWARS because of what Alex Jones did to Michelle Malkin – But I’m Linking This – IOTW Report

I don’t often link INFOWARS because of what Alex Jones did to Michelle Malkin – But I’m Linking This

(In case you don’t know, Alex Jones once tried to incite a mob to attack Michelle Malkin. And that’s only one reason I won’t feather this guy’s bed. Being a TRUTHER is right up there as well.)

But, here’s an article about the immigration video we posted that I said was a MUST WATCH.

Info Wars has noticed how this video is being taken down, over and over again.


15 Comments on I don’t often link INFOWARS because of what Alex Jones did to Michelle Malkin – But I’m Linking This

  1. I got nuthin.

    But guessing by the thumbnail, it’s a bunch of people invading another country. They probably keep pulling it because someone overlaid some douchebag’s SJW muzak.

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